Punto a capo

The video above is a short trailer.

The work consists of a series of four animation sequences, drawn frame by frame with a white pastel pencil and a white pen on black paper. Each animation starts in the center with a dot, which grows into another shape. From this, new and constantly changing forms and lines emerge. In these scenes, figurative and abstract elements appear. There is no traditional storyline, but a process of free associations in which the viewer is subtly involved in the creative process and can interpret the metamorphoses in their own way.
The completed animation film is a montage of the four sequences in which the movement is repeatedly reversed: each time beginning and ending with the dot, which in turn starts a new animation sequence.
“Punto a capo” is an Italian expression for placing a period at the end of one or more sentences and then starting a new line. Figuratively, it means to start again and give a new direction to an event or action.

The work is presented as an installation with a screen in the center showing the looping animation film, flanked by the four drawings resulting from the animation sequences; two on each side.

Title: Punto a capo
Technique: Installation with an animation film and 4 drawings with white pastel and white pen on black paper
Drawing size: 21 x 29.7 cm
Film duration: 4’30”
Year: 2024
Concept, camera, drawing, animation, effects, and editing: Maria Korporal

The four drawings:


The installation in the exhibition Subtil, at Galerie VBK Berlin:


Exhibitions and presentations:
• July 5-21, 2024: Subtil, Galerie VBK Berlin.


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