Maria Korporal’s video “The Wanderer above the Mist” is from January 13 to March 10, 2017 in Group Global 3000, Berlin, as part of the exhibition “Silence”.

Historic car wreck on car cemetery in Kaufdorf. Foto: Norbert Aepli. Own work (Creative Commons CC-BY-3.0)
About the exhibition:
Traffic noise is omnipresent. the TV tootles at home, HiFi, Radio on the way, Smartphones, mp³-Player, comercial roar in the supermarket. Advertising slides itself optically and actustically in the picture. Without sound some can’t hold out anymore. Noise stresses and makes us sick. Quietness would be to feel ourselves, to endure, to rest, to recover, to enjoy. Healing. A priceless enrichment.
18 artists show their positions with Objects, photography, painting, graphics, video, sound, performance:
Sandra Araújo, Gudrun Arndt, Yegor Astapchenko, Federico Federici, Francesca Fini, Anne Glassner, Stephan Gräfe, Michael Hess, Stephanie Hough, Geeske Janssen, Anneke Kleimann, Maria Korporal, forschungsgruppe kunst, PRZEPRASZAM, Korvin Reich, Dina Shenhav, Svoradov Theatre, Sarah Wölker.
Curators: Javier Pérez-Lanzac / Tom Albrecht.
> website Group Global 3000
About the video “The Wanderer above the Mist”:
“For many years I lived beneath the Mount Soracte, a mountain in central Italy which is still untouched by tourist culture. Walking on its crest, I always had the feeling to be back in other times, to become one with nature. However, whenever I made a video or audio recording, I became aware of all the sounds of motorways and airplanes coming from far, but loud enough to disturb the silence and the delicate nature sounds of birds and leaves – an over-all noise of which you cannot escape.
This video is about a walk I made one October morning, when the mist filled the valley. Arrived on the top, the mountain was like an isle in a marvellous sea of fog and I felt like being in the famous painting “The Wanderer above the Mist” by Caspar David Friedrich. But an airplane flying overhead reminded me loudly that there is no peace for contemplation anymore.” (Maria Korporal)