VBK mostra d’inverno: always in motion

Inaugurazione: venerdì 6 dicembre 2019 alle 19:00
Mostra: 7 dicembre 2019 – 5 gennaio 2020
Galleria Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK)
Schöneberger Ufer 57, 10785 Berlino

In all artistic forms of expression, 65 participating artists of the VBK take a look back at the past decades or / and a look ahead to the 2020s. In many ways they reflect the open theme of the group exhibition. Political, philosophical, biological, cosmological as well as personal positions will be on display.

The 2010s end. The 2020s follow.
We have often remembered the end of the “Sixties” this year. The year 1969 is 50 years ago. The moon landings and “Woodstock” were events that ushered in the departure of all humanity, or the young generation. Subculture became pop culture in the following years. Millions of people worldwide demonstrated against the Vietnam War, and in Germany the anti-nuclear movement was formed. In 1989, the peaceful revolution took place in the GDR. The wall fell, and a year later Germany was reunited. Today, in 2019, another young generation is on the road. The “Friday for Future” movement demonstrates worldwide against climate change. We do not know what will happen. Digitization is progressing, and again we do not know where the journey is going. Populists everywhere, right-hander worldwide. The world is in motion.

Comunicato stampa in PDF (tedesco)

Maria Korporal participa con il suo video The Waltz. Il video verrà mostrato in loop durante l’intera mostra.


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