Anne Frank

„I blossomed as a woman at Prinsengracht 263 on 4 August 1944, when the Dutch Nazi police captured me shamelessly alive among the unmade beds.
My understanding of the farewell was exemplary: indulgent in the exact centre. Once past the nocturnal curve, the motivations of a new existence restored me to the world. History called. Could I fail to respond? I incorporated the infinitesimal part that was my lot and then sank with it amid monumental silences that never made the news and through which language was unlearned.“

All footage has been taken in Berlin (the city, the artist’s studio and the ex-concentration camp Sachsenhausen), except for the broken glass, which is in a hospital in the Netherlands, where the artist’s mother spent the last days of her life.

The video is part of the Shoah Film Collection – The d/i/light Memorial.

title: Anne Frank
technique: Experimental video and animation
length: 6’20“
year: 2014
music: “Anne Frank” by Shiri Malckin
sound design: Shiri Malckin
text: excerpt from “Annelies Marie Frank” by Nina Maroccolo, published by Edizioni Empirìa, Rome, Italy
voice: Nina Maroccolo
video concept, camera, animation, effects and montage: Maria Korporal

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