Art for Freedom at MADATAC

26 oktober 2023: “ART FOR FREEDOM”, International Videoart Project supporting Ukraine and Georgia, samengesteld door Irina Gabiani, wordt vertoond op MADATAC 12, International Festival of Audio-Visual & New Media Art in Madrid.
Het evenement op de website van het festival:

Maria Korporal’s video Nevermore neemt deel aan het project.

Deelnemende kunstenaars:
Adamo Macri, “Ukrayina” – (Canada)
Alberto Guerreiro, “U-Nite” – (Portugal)
Irina Gabiani, “Whispering for freedom”- (Georgia, Italy, Luxembourg)
Maria Korporal, “Nevermore”- (Netherlands)
Maria Kulikovska, “To be or not to be”- (Ukraine)
Michael Douglas Hawk, “War head” – (Germany)
Muriel Paraboni, “Let them laugh”- (Brazil)
Oksana Chepelyk, “Ukrainian Golgotha”- (Ukraine)
Oleg Chorny, “Summer 2014”- (Ukraine)
Yuval Yairi, “Memory sutcase”- (Israel)
Yuval Yairi & Zohar Kawaharada, “Land”- (Israel)


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