Bologna in Lettere online

Bologna in Lettere 2020 will be a special edition because, for the ongoing health emergency, it will only take place online.
It will be organized as if it were a real festival with a daily program:
from 7 to 25 May, following a pre-established schedule and presented on the web page Bologna in Lettere 2020, on simultaneous video premieres on the channel YouTube, on the social networks Instagram, Facebook.

Maria Korporal participates with a special edition of her video Breaking Borders. The premiere will take place on 11 May at 22:00 and the video will remain visible also afterwards.

Click here to view “Breaking Borders” on YouTube

See the dedicated page on the festival’s website

Furthermore there will be the presentation of the video “Chant for a Pandemic”, curated by Dee Hood: a choral project born from the collaboration between artists from all over the world: Dee Hood (USA), Finn Harvor (South Corea), Maria Korporal (Germany), Sandra Bougerch (UK), Tushar Waghela (India), Muriel Paraboni (Italy), Lisi Prada (Spain), Eija Temiseva (Finland), Ian Gibbins (Australia), Jutta Pryor (Australia), Sarah Bliss (USA), Darko Duilo (Croatia), Gwendolyn Audrey Foster (USA), Erick Tapia (Mexico), Lori Ersolmaz (USA), Avant Kinema: Sarahjane Swan, Roger Sirmian (Scotland), Lino Mocerino (Italy), Francesca Giuliani (Italy), Luis Carlos Rodriguez (Spain), Willow Morgan (USA).

Click here to sign up for the premiere and view “Chant for a Pandemic” on YouTube

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