Breathearth – de eerste versie

“Breathearth” – een interactieve installatie van Maria Korporal.

Tevens heeft de kunstenares een nieuwe versie van het werk gemaakt voor grote buitenprojectie: zie Breathearth Building voor de teaser en info over de presentatie.

A video screen shows an initial view of a desolate landscape, dry and barren. The spectators are invited to breathe in a small earth globe, in which has been hidden a micophone connected to the system. With each breath, grass, leaves and flowers appear in the landscape, until they cover the whole ground with colours and life. When the breathing stops, after a short time the vegetation disappears and the landscape turns barren again: the earth needs our breath to stay alive!
With each new session, other combinations of vegetation appear – it is always a surprise which flowers will be produced by your breathing.

Technical details: Raspberry Pi, monitor, small earth globe with encapsulated microphone.

“Breathearth” in the exhibition Fragmentierte Realität, GEDOK Berlin 2018



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