Contemporary Art @ Boğaziçi – Interview Project

by Emre Gercel, 2010

Maria Korporal is a New Media artist from Netherlands, living in Italy, focused mostly on video-art and net-art. Since 1998 she has dedicated herself to using the new media arts for her expression. She is a very active user of the internet and it was very easy to contact her. She has a comprehensive website, in which her artworks can easily be reached. She is continuously producing her work and informing her followers continuously via her up to date website, facebook, and twitter. She is a true animal lover; animals play a role in her artworks. Some of her works include concrete stories, and she sometimes doesn’t reveal the stories in detail to keep her works more affective. Sometimes she is inspired by Juan Ramon Jimenez, and at the same time her works may involve some Michelangelo although she is not directly inspired by him.

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