Defrosting device for apparently meaningless ink stains

The video has been created on a piece of “musique concrete” which deals with the theme of incommunicability. Composer Emiliano Pietrini (Globoscuro) constructed his music on a series of “nonsense” dialogues embraced by a carpet of sounds created with a toy piano, vocals, analog synthesizer, theremin, piano, field recordings, self-made metal percussions and old talking toys with dead batteries. Following this sound trail, video artist Maria Korporal created a visual walk in the main railway station of Berlin – a walk along a platform where all lines loose themselves in the center. Out of this vanishing point a crystal is born, in which walking and talking people are captured. The crystal turns around and splits up into more fragments, then melts into slow moving ink-like stains where all communication seems to flow together. At the end of the platform, the liquid forms become a crystal again, opening itself for a journey to continue in new times and new spaces.

The music has been written for the compilation “Italian experimental underground 015 survey vol. II” promoted by Unexplained Sounds (Raffaele Pezzella) and available at the following link:

title: Defrosting device for apparently meaningless ink stains
technique: Experimental video and animation
length: 5’41”
year: 2015-2016
music: Abstract noise-scape for toy piano, vocals, analog synthesizer, field recordings, self-made metal percussions, theremin, piano and old talking toys with dead batteries, written and composed by Globoscuro (Emiliano Pietrini)
voices: Ilaria Fierro, Emiliano Pietrini and random field-recorded voices
video concept, camera, animazione, effetti e montaggio: Maria Korporal


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