Empört Euch!

From the 4th to the 21th of July 2019, the Kunstverein 68elf e.V. shows in the Bunker K101, Körnerstrasse 101, 50823 Cologne the interdisciplinary exhibition project:

Empört Euch!

Following the essay by Stéphane Hessel, Kunstverein 68elf eV has invited visual artists, performers, writers and a singer to artistically visualize, interpret and discuss the abused, the repressed, the forgotten and the silenced in the world, in our country, in the private sphere.

With contributions by: Maria Korporal, Sabina Flora, Caspar Reuter, Pi Heinz, Ruth Knecht, Simon Hellmich, Etienne Szabo, Luis Norberto Romero, Wilda Wahnwitz, Henning Beckschulte, Klaus Schaefer, Ingrid Bahß, Christian Hein, Dietmar Paetzold, Michael Baerens, Christiane Rath, Jutta Barth, miegL, agii gosse, Alexander Heckert.

A walk through the exhibition on 13th July 2019.

Maria Korporal participates in the exhibition with two works: the object Totalitarian United and a new, amplified version of her video Turning a Blind Eye.
She will be personally present at the exhibition on the 13th of July.


Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 4.7.2019 von 18:00 bis 21:00 Uhr

Performance: “fake NEW(s)2.0” von Hasan Hüseyin Deveci und John Herman

Laufzeit: 4.7. bis 21.7.2019

13.7.2019: Sonderprogramm/Körnerstrassenfest

Life-Performances im und am Bunker

15:00 – 16:00 Uhr: Ingrid Bahß: Muttexte

17:00 – 18:00 Uhr: Krisstine Bento Monteiro: “Plastik Fetisch, Plastik Erstickt”

Finissage: 21.7.2019 um 17:00 Uhr “Gesichter der Empörung”: Alexandra Heimberger singt Lieder von Kreissler und Brecht

Öffnungszeiten: FR / SA 17:00 bis 20:00 Uhr / SO 16:00 – 19:00 Uhr

Ausstellungsort: Bunker K 101, Körnerstrasse 101, 50823 Köln

68elf e.V. – co Jürgen Bahr, Helmholtzstr. 6-8, 50825 Köln, Tel: 0179 9158271

Mail: kunstverein@68elf.de

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