HearteartH – all started from here

“The Flying Sisters” are Sonia Laura Armaniaco aka §vonica and Maria Korporal. HearteartH is their first collaboration: a video made in the summer of 2013.
The concept took life from these two interlocking words: HEART and EARTH, shaping an anagram projecting some kind of spell from where we cannot escape: a destiny – Heart and Earth affect each other permanently.
In the beginning of 2015, the artists decided to open the project to other artists and media makers with a call for artists. The call had a large success and the submitted works were presented and screened in Berlin, Milan and Barcelona in 2015 and 2016.
• see the dedicated website

Our call for artists remains open for our on-line presentations and future events. If you are interested, please contact us:
• heartearthcall@gmail.com

HearteartH on Facebook: www.facebook.com/heartearthcallforartists

HearteartH – works in internet:
Video wall: www.heartearth.rf.gd/index2.php
GIF animations: www.animatedgifs-call-heartearth.weebly.com
Vimeo channel 1: vimeo.com/channels/heartearth
Vimeo channel 2: vimeo.com/channels/heartearthproject
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/heartearth

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