KLIMAKIPPPUNKTE: Climate Tipping Points – exhibition in Gallery VBK
28.05. – 19.06.2022
Opening: Friday 27.05.2022, 19 h
Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler
Schöneberger Ufer 57, 10785 Berlin
Participating artists:
Tom Albrecht, Conrad Brockstedt, Barbara Czarnojahn, Lupe Godoy, Rosika Janko-Glage, Maria Korporal, Lina Schobel + Paul Reßl, Andrea Streit + Nancy Happ, Burchard Vossmann, Helga Wagner
In their work, the artists deal with the causes and effects of climate change – the forms of expression are completely individual and range from painting, collage, video and installation to conceptual art. The result is a very complex exhibition on a virulent topic – exciting, stimulating for discussion and entertaining at the same time.
The project is funded by GMS Immobilia KG.
Maria Korporal shows her interactive video installation Emergency Call Center and her video work Emergency Call.
- Emergency Call – video
- Emergency Call Center – installation
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