Neuenburger Kunstwoche

The Kunstverein Bahner invites to the 36th Neuenburg Art Week from the 24th to the 30th of June 2019. This year’s theme is:

“Magic Art” – to deceive and enchant

Art appeals to very different areas in us. According to the intention of the artist his or her works can touch the mind, the emotions or the deepest levels of our soul.

The Bahner were looking for artists for the 36th Neuenburg Art Week whose works of art unfold a “magical effect”. Works of art that deceive or enchant a rational and materialistic mind.

For the Art Week 2019 Sergej Tihomirov from Hanover, Ip Kyu Jang from Dusseldorf as well as Maria Korporal from Berlin, Inge-Rose Lippok from Hanover and Jan-Hendrik Pelz from Schorndorf were invited.

During the Art Week, Maria Korporal made a new version of her interactive installation Breathearth. In the Neuenburger Urwald, she collected and photographed materials: leaves, flowers, twigs, insects, small animals and stones. With what she found in the microcosm of the forest, she created a new installation: Breatheartheatre!


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