Qorporal Qodes

Il progetto QORPORAL QODES è un’installazione multidisciplinare con disegni a carboncino, animazioni in flipbook e un video VR a 360 gradi.
La domanda chiave è: come interpreteremmo i segnali digitali se fossimo chiusi in un bunker senza elettricità e internet?

Mostre e presentazioni:
• 10 novembre 2022 – 7 gennaio 2023: außer ich – inner ich / part 2, INSELGALERIE Berlin.
• 22-25 novembre 2022: Puntomov Fest, imaginar el futuro, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Facultad de Artes UAEMex, México.
• 22-31 luglio 2022: Irritation – preview (Progetto di cooperazione CH/D), Galerie VBK Berlin.

1. Qorporal Qodes
Technique and size: 6 original charcoal drawings of 20 x 20 cm with related animation sequences, digital print on paper, in flipbooks measuring each approx. 10 x 14 x 2.5 cm.
Year of creation: 2022.
Origin and description: The work found its first creative input from the impossible desire to exhibit media art in a room with neither power sockets nor a stable internet connection. It occurred to me, that eventual technical fallacies stimulate a feeling of irritation with people who expect this technique to always work perfectly. Understanding this, it motivated me to find a solution to the problem as well as to try to encourage people to reflect on this phenomenon.
In this work the printed QR codes continuously change into different images by means of animated charcoal drawings. The QR codes take on the meaning of certain Q codes or Q keys. This method was developed in 1912 and used for radio communication services (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_code).
The charcoal drawings are mounted in frames and the animated films have taken the form of flipbooks and can be watched without the use of electricity. However, they have been placed on the internet as well and can easily be accessed by scanning the original QR codes available on the back of the flipbooks. This to close the circle.

2. Qorporal Qube
Technique: 360° VR video, animated film
Length: approx. 5 minutes in loop
Year: 2022
Description: The 6 animated films created from “Qorporal Qodes” are projected onto all walls (including floor and ceiling) in an equilateral cube-shaped room in a 360° VR video. Watching the video with a VR headset, you’ll find yourself trapped in a room without doors or windows and surrounded by constantly changing QR codes.
How would we interpret the digital signs if we were locked in a bunker without electricity and internet?

© Maria Korporal, 2022

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