Reconnecting Songlines

Een nieuwe installatie in het Songlines projekt, van 9 oktober tot 1 november 2020 in de tentoonstelling Wild and Connected Plus, Galerie VBK, Berlijn.


Video van de tentoonstellingsopening:


In dit werk combineer ik nieuwere en oudere werken. Geïnspireerd door de “songlines” van inheemse Australiërs probeer ik de geboorte van het individu opnieuw te verbinden met de oorsprong van het leven. Via een netwerk van paden, tekens en herinneringen herontdekken we onze plaats in de natuur.

… the labyrinth of invisible pathways which meander all over Australia and are known to Europeans as “Dreaming-tracks” or “Songlines”; to the Aboriginals as the “Footprints of the Ancestors” or the “Way of the Lore”. Aboriginal Creation myths tell of the legendary totemic being who wandered over the continent in the Dreamtime, singing out the name of everything that crossed their path – birds, animals, plants, rocks, waterholes – and so singing the world into existence.
(Bruce Chatwin, The Songlines, 1987)

In the culture of Aboriginal Australians, the long ritual walks in the desert of individuals who undertake the Walkabout* (as mentioned by Bruce Chatwin in “The Songlines”, 1987) play an essential role in allowing contact and exchanges of resources (both material and spiritual) between populations separated by enormous distances. In my work, I let myself be guided by the idea of the Aboriginal Australians to see a “territory” not as a determined piece of land, but as a dynamic network of paths, tracks, and songs – so well described by Chatwin.

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