Satori Soractis

„Satori Soractis“ (1990) ist ein handgebundenes Buch im japanischen Stil mit Seide und besteht aus Radierungen von Zeichnungen, die bei Spaziergängen auf dem Berg Soracte in Italien, wo Maria Korporal damals lebte, entstanden sind. Zwischen den Radierungen sind die Texte der Gedichte aus Matsuo Bashos Reisetagebuch „Auf schmalen Pfaden durchs Hinterland“ auf Reispapier gedruckt.

Neueste Ausstellungen:
• 30. Juni – 17. Juli 2022: First Book Night, BBK Kunstforum Düsseldorf.
• 1.-24. April 2022: Positionen künstlerischer Buch- und Textproduktion, Galerie VBK Berlin.

Inspired by Matsuo Basho’s „The Narrow Road to the Deep North“, the artist made several meditative walks on Monte Soratte, during which she made numerous drawings that follow the lines and structures of the rocks and stones. These drawings became the basis for the etchings in this artist’s book.

Black silk-covered cardboard box (hardcover) made by hand in Japanese style with letterpress-title on front panel, grey silk and white paper on the inside of the box, 14,5 x 39,5 x 2,5 cms., containing artist’s book entirely printed on Japanese paper, cover made of slik mounted on paper and carrying the title printed above a sumi-e design, four pages with the quoted haiku texts were printed with nylon cliches, two copper plates used to produce each of the eight color etchings, i.e. aquatint and sugar-aquatint.

Artist’s Book in an edition of 40 copies. The cliche of the title, the frontispiece and the colophon were made by Korporal on copper plates. Each copper plate was printed by incorporating two colors mixed by the artist. The final prints are thus composed of 4 different basic colors. The binding was effectuated by using an antique Japanese method called Kangxi.

Sant’Oreste, 1990

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