Screening der Medienwerkstatt 2018

Maandag 5 tot vrijdag 9 november 2018, elke dag van 17:00 – 18:00 uur
Kino Central im Haus Schwarzenberg
Rosenthaler Str. 39 – 10178 Berlin

Catalogue / program booklet in PDF

Maria Korporal neemt deel met LIFE-X-CHANGE: een 5-minuten versie van haar project Walkabout, maandag 5 november om 17:00 uur.

Still from the video “Walkabout”, © Maria Korporal

Letter of Julia Warhola, mother of Andy Warhol, to their family in Europe. Photo: Sandra Becker

The German word “Rückgabe” means return or give back, and comes etymologically from giving. It requires that you already got something that you want to give back for various reasons, for example: gratitude, disappointment or renunciation.
“Rückgabe” is this year’s topic of the screening in Kino Central.
The artists of the Medienwerkstatt im Kulturwerk des bbk, show us more than 40 works on this theme. A wide range of contributions, from experimental work over socio-criticai videos to funny short films – an exciting program with animations, fragments from performances and installations or pure audio work.
This screening also offers opportunity to get in touch with some of the artists.
The Medienwerkstatt im Kulturwerk des bbk berlin is an artists run media workspace of the bbk’s Kulturwerk started in 2009 and is located in the Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin Kreuzberg. Under the direction of Lioba von den Driesch, Sandra Becker, and a competent team, it supplies infrastructure, media knowledge and technical support for visual artists based in Berlin to create new media art works.
We look forward to an inspiring screening. Thank you Cinema Central and all participating artists for your wonderful work.

Text: Catherine Bourdon

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