
Antologia critica della videoarte italiana

November 6, 2019: book release of the “Antologia critica della videoarte italiana 2010-2020” by Piero Deggiovanni. The book •••>

Screening der Medienwerkstatt 2019

Monday to Friday / 4th – 8th of November 2019, every day 5:00 – 6:00 pm Kino Central •••>

Artists for Future

Exhibition, Talks, Lecture 1.11. – 13.12.2019 Group Global 3000, Leuschnerdamm 19, Berlin (Kreuzberg) Maria Korporal participates with her •••>

100% Female

Maria Korporal will show a new version of her Breathearth Project, Breath-Earth Beth-El, in the Grand Church of •••>

Vertical Movie Festival

The video Emergency Call has been selected as finalist in the Vertical Movie Festival and will be projected •••>