Opere interattive

Good Trip, Bad Trip

Guidare la tua auto attraverso le strade illuminate di Berlino ascoltando musica rock a tutto volume è un’esperienza •••>

Die Grenzen der Sprache

Die Grenzen der Sprache (The Limits of Language) an interactive installation by Maria Korporal in the exhibition “Update •••>

The Mighty Magic Fruit Machine

Teaser video for “THE MIGHTY MAGIC FRUIT MACHINE: eat and regener-ate”, An interactive project, programmed with the Raspberry Pi © Maria Korporal, 2017 First presentation in Group Global 3000, Berlin, 19.05 – 30.06.2017 NEW! On-line version of the project, click here to play the game! Deutsch – bitte •••>

Third Eye Washing

“Third Eye Washing”, an interactive, site-specific work by Maria Korporal, created as part of the group exhibition AUSGEWASCHEN / WASHED OUT, 05.06.2015 – 17.07.2015, gallery Group Global 3000, Berlin – see website. The real-time shootings of the webcam (the artist’s “third eye”) turn around and around in the •••>