


“ArtDoq” is the first collective work of the group of artists ArtDoq, exposed in September 2007 at the Istituto •••>

White Noise

title: White Noise technique: Installation composed of digital images printed on transparant film and mounted on perspex, attached •••>


title: Energy! Installation 1: technique: Installation composed of 180 panels attached together with invisible nylon threads. The small •••>

Red Skies Over Paradise

title: Red Skies Over Paradise tecnique: inkjet and laser print on paper, adhesive mirror plastic, tempex size: 96 •••>


The first project by Zweiart, “Interface”, was presented in 2006 in the historical Roman gallery Al Ferro di Cavallo. The installation consists of a number of huge paper masks built by Marina Buening hanging from the ceiling. On these masks two different sets of images realised by Maria •••>

Is She Asleep?

Is She Asleep? is a celebration of madness – the kind of holy trance-like madness which only few •••>

Third Eye Washing

“Third Eye Washing”, an interactive, site-specific work by Maria Korporal, created as part of the group exhibition AUSGEWASCHEN / WASHED OUT, 05.06.2015 – 17.07.2015, gallery Group Global 3000, Berlin – see website. The real-time shootings of the webcam (the artist’s “third eye”) turn around and around in the •••>

The Spring of Eternal Rebirth

The Spring of Eternal Rebirth Two-channel video installation © Maria Korporal 2010 Two video loops of each 5:36 for projection on two adjacent walls. On the left spheres of stone come out of the water and rise slowly until they vanish in the sky: birth of bodies. On •••>

Het rebelse ei

From 1998 to 2004 Maria Korporal has realized several installations, composed of images elaborated on the computer and •••>

Identified Moving Objects

Identified Moving Objects is een werk door kunstenaarsduo Zweiart (Marina Buening and Maria Korporal). The video has been •••>