
Reynard the Fox

Korporal Zoo X: “Reynard the Fox”. Video installation with 12 triangular canvases (digital prints with manual intervention), and a video projection playing with all elements. Reynard (Dutch: Reinaert; French: Renard; German: Reineke or Reinicke; Latin: Renartus) is the main character in a literary cycle of allegorical Dutch, English, •••>


The video above is a 3-minutes trailer*teaser. The whole video is more than 13 minutes long and has •••>

Walkabout – Under the Same Roof

Maria Korporal’s contribution to the collective installation “Under the Same Roof” The video wall “Walkabout” is Maria Korporal’s •••>

Korporal Labyrinth

Korporal Labyrinth is a work in progress, an account of a visceral journey in different stadia, expressed in a series of short videos. The artist’s drawing of the labyrinth was the starting point for the project, together with a bunch of footage taken mainly from July to October •••>

Dust Thou Art

Screenings: Mostra Strangloscope 2019, Mitte Media Festival, Lines in Between the Maze, Video Art Miden 2018, Maria Korporal: •••>

Between Memory and Destiny

NIEUWE SCREENING in een tentoonstelling in Praag in mei 2018! meer over de tentoonstelling “Your eyes saw my •••>

The Waltz

The Waltz vertelt een korte geschiedenis van vrouwenemancipatie. In de video verschijnen vogels die vrij rondvliegen en een •••>

Passing By

The video opens with a shot of a crowd of people engrossed in the Saturday afternoon shopping ritual •••>

A Cat Has Seven Lives

Winner video of the BazzanoPoesia Prize 2010 Nu te zien in galerie VBK, Berlijn – zie Twee wintertentoonstellingen •••>

The night of harmony

“The night of harmony”, a film by Maria Korporal on a poem by Marcia Theophilo. The night of •••>