
The First After-Corona Kiss

The video was created in the first half of April 2020, while the world was rapidly overwhelmed by •••>

La Vitruviana

Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of a male figure perfectly inscribed in a circle and square, known as the •••>

Emergency Call

Terwijl de zomer in Berlijn in 2018 de heetste en droogste uit de hele geschiedenis was, had de maand juli 2017 ons slechts hevige regenbuien gebracht. Het Landwehrkanal trad buiten zijn oevers, kelders overstroomden. Extreme klimatologische gebeurtenissen, die zich overal ter wereld voordoen, zouden een waarschuwing moeten zijn •••>

Reynard the Fox

Korporal Zoo X: “Reynard the Fox”. Video installation with 12 triangular canvases (digital prints with manual intervention), and a video projection playing with all elements. Reynard (Dutch: Reinaert; French: Renard; German: Reineke or Reinicke; Latin: Renartus) is the main character in a literary cycle of allegorical Dutch, English, •••>

Korporal Zoo: het projekt

“Korporal Zoo” is een serie videowerken van Maria Korporal, die de wereld van dier en mens observeren met •••>


The video above is a 3-minutes trailer*teaser. The whole video is more than 13 minutes long and has •••>

Walkabout – Under the Same Roof

Maria Korporal’s contribution to the collective installation “Under the Same Roof” The video wall “Walkabout” is Maria Korporal’s •••>

Korporal Labyrinth

Korporal Labyrinth is a work in progress, an account of a visceral journey in different stadia, expressed in a series of short videos. The artist’s drawing of the labyrinth was the starting point for the project, together with a bunch of footage taken mainly from July to October •••>

Dust Thou Art

Screenings: Mostra Strangloscope 2019, Mitte Media Festival, Lines in Between the Maze, Video Art Miden 2018, Maria Korporal: •••>

Defrosting device for apparently meaningless ink stains

The video has been created on a piece of “musique concrete” which deals with the theme of incommunicability. •••>