
The First After-Corona Kiss

The video was created in the first half of April 2020, while the world was rapidly overwhelmed by •••>

La Vitruviana

Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of a male figure perfectly inscribed in a circle and square, known as the •••>

Breathearth Ovation

NEW: The work is shown in the exhibition SCHÖN, Projektraum Galerie M, Berlin, 05.02.- 02.04.2022 Breathearth Ovation, formerly •••>

Breath-Earth Beth-El

“Breath-Earth Beth-El” is a new installation which is part of the The Breathearth Project. The work was installed in the exhibition 100% FEMALE, organized by Stichting White Cube, from the 24th to the 27th of October 2019 in the Grand or St Laurens Church, Alkmaar (NL). This version •••>

Emergency Call

While the summer in Berlin in 2018 was the hottest and driest in the whole history, the month •••>

Tree Travelling on the Motorway

First installation in the Tree Travelling project. Exhibition: November 1 – December 13, 2019: Artists for Future, Group •••>


BREATHEARTHEATRE is part of The Breathearth Project and was created in June 2019 during the 36. Neuenburger Kunstwoche, the 36th Neuenburg Art Week. As artist in residence Maria Korporal had the occasion to first develop and then present her installation on the stage of the local theater. During •••>

Reynard the Fox

Korporal Zoo X: “Reynard the Fox”. Video installation with 12 triangular canvases (digital prints with manual intervention), and •••>

Breathearth Rebuilding

For 48 Stunden Neukölln Maria Korporal created a special version of her interactive project Breathearth: Breathearth Rebuilding. As •••>