
Pervitin Power

Pervitin was the drug for soldiers in Nazi Germany. It is known today as Crystal Meth. In the video I take on the role of the soldier. After simulating a Pervitin shot, a change of consciousness takes place. Animations move through the space like hallucinations, culminating into a violent climax. •••>

Invocation of the Stone

Video book project by Maria Korporal. Animated charcoal drawing and digital animation projected on a handmade book with •••>

Short Stories

“Short Stories” is an immersive 360° video. You can move your mouse or finger to walk around in •••>

Breathing Bags

Breathing Bags are plastic bags with rubbish found on the streets, which inflate and explode with breathing movements •••>


Inspired by the sonopoem S.A.D. of Ilaria Boffa, Maria Korporal’s video expresses the tensions between conflict and harmony of seasonal affective disorder. •••>

Thinking with my Knee

Homage to Joseph Beuys. During a walk in the streets of Beuys’ city Düsseldorf, I photographed a piece •••>

ZoOm into my Room

The full version is now available as pay-per-view on www.visualcontainer.tv! In this video I try to show the human experience of loneliness and impotence during their „meetings“ in cyberspace. Even if the light image accurately depicts the person, eye contact is impossible. We look at a screen that shows a simulacra of some other human being and of ourselves. •••>

The First After-Corona Kiss

The very first kiss captured on film was between two naked women. It was recorded by Eadweard Muybridge •••>

La Vitruviana

Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of a male figure perfectly inscribed in a circle and square, known as the •••>

Emergency Call

While the summer in Berlin in 2018 was the hottest and driest in the whole history, the month •••>