The Flood Today

Exhibition, talks, lecture, from 15th March to 10th May 2019 in Group Global 3000, Leuschnerdamm 19, Berlin (Kreuzberg).
Maria Korporal participates with her new video Emergency Call.

The exhibition “Flood Today” shows works of art by 14 artists who examine the connection between human intervention and natural disasters. The influence of humans on the earth grows exponentially and leaves very long traces. Rising sea levels, washed-away fields, muddy villages, sunken houses are the result of climate change, increasing soil sealing, increased rainwater drainage and intensive agriculture.

The multidisciplinary exhibition shows painting, photography, video, installation, collage and performance on the subject of heavy rain. The strong and often disturbing statements show deep personal concern and artistic expressiveness with painting, video, installation, object, collage, showcase, and performance.

Tom Albrecht, Charlotte Bastian, Thomas Behling, Jörn Birkholz / Stephan Groß, Barbara Czarnojahn, Helga Franz, Amelie von Godin, Gerten Goldbeck, Isabell Kamp, Maria Korporal, Angela Alexander-Lloyd, Anna Rafetseder, Rosa Schmidt.


Exhibition 15.3. – 10.5.2019, fridays 17- 20 o’clock

Vernissage 15.3., 19 o’clock
with the Performance “Indigo Islands” by Rosa Schmidt

Exhibition 22.3., 17- 20 o’clock: The artist Thomas Behling is present.

Artists’ Talk 29.3., 19 o’clock. Artists of the exhibition talk with guests about their work.
Exhibition opens at 17 o’clock. The artist Tom Albrecht is present.

Exhibition 5.4., 17- 20 o’clock

Exhibition 12.4., 17- 20 o’clock: The artist Barbara Czarnojahn is present.

“Sintfluten- von Mythen zur Wissenschaft”: Lecture and talk 26.4., 19 o’clock, Frau Nasrin Haacke, TU Berlin, FG Ökohydrologie & Landschaftsbewertung, Institut für Ökologie.
Exhibition opens at 17 o’clock. The artist Tom Albrecht is present.

Exhibition 3.5., 17- 20 o’clock

Finissage 10.5., 19 o’clock: Performance “Atoll Hurawalhi” by Amelie von Godin.
Exhibition opens at 17 o’clock. The artist Tom Albrecht is present.


Flooded cellars, covered roofs, furniture sinking in the mud. More and more frequently extreme weather events of short duration and high intensity such as heavy rain or storms occur in previously unknown locations and cause millions of damages. Whole fields have been washed away and have silted villages. In the plain, wide areas can quickly become submerged.
Reasons are climate change, increasing surface sealing, increased rainwater drainage through sewer systems, short crop rotations, humus mining and uncovered areas of intensive agriculture. For a long time city planners thought the water was technically manageable. Today, countries, local authorities and citizens are called upon to take precautions. Renaturation measures in waters should make a contribution to flood protection. Rainwater retention basins and flood troughs are set up, the heavy rain risk managed and flood alert levels modeled. Organic farming protects the soil and helps to save rain.

Group Global 3000 g.e.V., GG3
Leuschnerdamm 19
D 10999 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
0049 30 6154749
Public transport:
Tube: U8 Moritzplatz, U1 Kottbussertor,
Bus: M29 Oranienplatz, 147 Michaelkirchplatz

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