The Logic of Logistics in the Ant’s World

“The Logic of Logistics in the Ant’s World”/”Die Logik der Logistik in der Ameisen-Welt”, a video-photo-installation by the Third Eye Factory
06.11 – 18.12.2015, Group Global 3000, Berlin
as part of the exhibition “CARGO – Alles immer überall / Everything always everywhere”
> see website

Ants are great transport artists. They often carry objects that are many times larger and heavier than themselves. Food pieces are often carried by several ants together. “The Logic of Logistics in the Ant’s World” presents a look at this rational transportation system, and confronts it with the transport in the human world. The road signs are then absurd, and the supply of things that you do not need seems ridiculous: the ants are always purposeful and organized, and can not be seduced by useless brightly colored objects, which they put quickly and efficiently aside to clear the way to keep on the precious crumbs.

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