The Mighty Magic Fruit Machine

Teaser video for
“THE MIGHTY MAGIC FRUIT MACHINE: eat and regener-ate”,
An interactive project, programmed with the Raspberry Pi
© Maria Korporal, 2017
First presentation in Group Global 3000, Berlin, 19.05 – 30.06.2017

NEW! On-line version of the project, click here to play the game!

Deutsch – bitte hier klicken

The visitors of the exhibition are invited to play with a virtual fruit machine, which is projected as a large image on the wall. You can click with the mouse on a button to play. The rotating wheels of this slot machine show fresh fruits alternated by packaging waste of sweets, snacks, lemonade, cigarettes etc.
If you have caught a fresh piece of fruit, you are invited to eat it: with every mouse click you take a bite. Thus, the fruit becomes smaller and smaller until only kernels remain. These cores are rotating again in the carousel of the machine, until they come to a halt in one of the next rounds of the game. Now the visitor has the chance to regenerate the fruit again. With every mouse click, the fruit grows larger until it is fully grown.
The fresh fruit offers a tempting sight. With the virtual consumption of the fruits you almost experience the real enjoyment of fresh fruit, which is enhanced by natural sound effects.
On the one hand, the “regenerating” of the fruits gives a satisfying feeling: here healthy, fresh foods are “grown”. On the other hand, the immediate vicinity of the packaging waste is a disturbing element which makes the eating of the beautiful fruits unappetizing and raises the disturbing question: how natural are the circumstances in which fruits grow?

THE MIGHTY MAGIC FRUIT MACHINE has been presented in the group exhibition “Can you buy pleasure?”, from May 19 to June 30, 2017, in Group Global 3000, Leuschnerdamm 19, Berlin – see website.
Article about the exhibition


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