… the Rose will always Bloom

In this fourth and last video of the project Korporal Labyrinth, the artist performs a ritual on the beach of Hoek van Holland, the place where the waters of the large river area, where she and her mother were born and grew up, flow into the sea. The artist tears the petals out of a big rose – a rose that will revive in the following scenes, out of a rosebud nipple via a labyrinth of light into a Rose of Jericho, which blooms again and transforms itself into a leaf. A leaf which has been found by the artist’s brother, two weeks after the death of their mother, with her initials R S (Rinie Slieker) incised by an insect. While the artist whispers the bible text about love from 1 Corinthians 13, a text her mother read to her when she was young, the lines on the leaf are filled with blood and the words popping up in her mind are written down.

titel: … the Rose will always Bloom
techniek: Experimental video and animation
tijdsduur: 4’15”
jaar: 2014
starring: Astrid Astra Indricane, Maria (Felix) Korporal
locations: tthe beach of Hoek van Holland, the artist’s studio and the regions of her mind
beach sound recording: © www.eelkedekker.nl
video, sound design and all other artwork: Maria (Felix) Korporal

all about the project Korporal Labyrinth, incl. 4-minutes trailer

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