art and environment

The 4 Ecologists

25 Years Anniversary – 2000-2025 – The New Museum of Networked Art

Celebration program of video art curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Hall of Fame
18 December 2024 – 31 March 2025
Featuring 80 videos by
Silvia de Gennaro – Maria Korporal
Susanne Wiegner & Brit Bunkley

The 4 Ecologists
As much as the 4 artists – Silvia de Gennaro – Maria Korporal – Susanne Wiegner and Brit Bunkley may differ in their nature, expression and concepts, they are united by their artistic excellence, the use of artistic animation as a means of expression and the committed content of their art videos, which makes them ecologists, artistic investigators in the truest sense.

As a project of the New Museum of Networked Art – “The 4 Ecologists” also belong in the context of the retrospective of “animateC – Cologne Art & Animation Festival” on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Museum of Networked Art and the first complete presentation of the Anthropocene Project, which deals with the influence of humans on their environment, reflected in climate change, the destruction of natural resources and escalating social, political and cultural tensions. All of this can be found in the work of these four artists and the more than 80 videos. Represented by 20 individual videos each, the project is also a retrospective of their artistic work since 2010, which also reflects the development of animation over the past 15 years.

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

The project can be visited online from 18 December 2024 – 31 March 2025, and it will also be shown in the Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles, from 18 January – 1 March 2025.

Enter the online exhibition


Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti 2024

Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti – VII edition 2024
Earth | Reflections on the Relationship between Man and the Environment

Art on environmental themes from 30 November to 14 December 2024

The project, promoted by Roma Capitale – Assessorato alla Cultura, is the winner of the biennial Public Notice ‘Culture in Motion 2023 – 2024’ curated by the Department of Cultural Activities and with the collaboration of Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, museum services of Zètema Progetto Cultura. Organisation Neworld ETS Association.

Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti VII edition 2024, under the artistic direction of Antonietta Campilongo, will be inaugurated on Saturday 30 November at 11.00 a.m. at Villa di Massenzio and the Mausoleum of Romulus. Year after year, Nuvola Creativa is enriched with new topics to help make the action of Art in the cultural life of Rome more and more alive and responsive.

Read more on the project website (Italian)

Maria Korporal participates with her videos The Wishing Table and S.A.D. +  interactive video installation Emergency Call Center

Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti VII edizione 2024

Terra| Riflessioni sul rapporto tra Uomo e Ambiente

Arte visiva – in mostra: Andrea Ádány, Teresa Bianchi, Giorgio Binda, Maristella Campolunghi, Antonella Catini, Marie Laure Colasson, Cinzia Colombo, Giovanna Colone, Alexander Luigi Di Meglio, Pino de Notariis, Ignazio Fresu, Gruppo Pavlovsky, Stefano Imbratta, Maria Korporal, Antonella Laganà, Marco Mirra, Lucia Nicolai, Giorgio Ortona, Veronika Palkovics, Luciano Pizzuti, Enrico Porcaro, Fabio Romoli, Loredana Salzano, Renzo Sbolci, Valentina Sisto, Villő Steiner, Andrea Sterpa, Krisztina Szabó, Anna Tonelli, Flora Torrisi, Valter Vari, Klara Varhelyi, Tommaso Maurizio Vitale, Mona Zahedi.

Performance arte: Artisti Innocenti – Laura De Carolis con Laura Frau, Caterina Priolo, Luca Camuffo, Silvia Pinti – Francesca di Ciaula – Barbara Lalle con Marco Marassi – Gabriele Manili e Valeria Danesi – I Poeti Viandanti con: Sandra Cervone, Sara di Mare, Catia Ferrara, Marilina Manzo, Loredana Nugnes, Simona Saletti, Stefania Simeoni con l’azione della Performance degli artisti: Letizia Alessandroni, Eva Brozzetti Stramer, Shanti Monica Bruni, Gaia Casanova, Lucrezia Ciocci, Giulia Decina Dorazio, Marion Nugnes.- Eugenia Serafini con Nicolò Giuseppe Brancato e la partecipazione di molte voci poetiche – Silvia Stucky – Villő Steiner

Reading: Antonella Catini, Letizia Leone con Maresa Elia e Rossella Seller – Anita Napolitano con Plinio Perilli e Eleonora Cimarelli

Video/film: Maria Lucia Carbone – Ilaria Facci – Massimo Ivan Falsetta con Ettore Bassi, Giorgia Salari, Vittorio Unfer, Costantino Comito, Sara Ricci – Lara Ferrara – Maria Korporal.

Dibattiti/incontri, presentazione libri, worksphop: Massimo Canevacci – Carmine Valentino Mosesso e Ciro Cianni – Giuseppina Mellace e Delfina Tommasini – Cristiano Ferrari – Mauro Tiberi – Valeria Tron con Claudia Marchionni e Loredana Salzano.

Musica: Ivan Macera – Anna Rollando – Mauro Tiberi

Laboratori didattici: Laboratori di Gabriele Manili.

Testi: Alice Straffi

Servizi Video/Fotografici: Andrea Carpiceci

Luogo: Villa di Massenzio – Via Appia Antica, 153 – 00179 Roma

Durata: dal 30 novembre al 14 dicembre 2024

Inaugurazione: sabato 30 novembre ore 10.30/18.00 (aperto ad invitati e pubblico)

Interverranno: il Presidente del Municipio VIII Amedeo Ciaccheri, insieme all’Assessora alla Cultura Maya Vetri e alla Presidente della Commissione Cultura, Monica Rossi, la dott.ssa Ersilia Maria Loreti, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, dott.ssa Alice Straffi storica dell’arte, la dott.ssa Antonietta Campilongo direttore artistico e curatore del festival.

Orario di apertura mostra: Dal martedì alla domenica ore 10.00/16.00

Orari di apertura eventi: il sabato e la domenica ore 10.00/17.00

Ultimo ingresso un’ora prima della chiusura – T. 060608 – Ingresso: libero e gratuito

Come arrivare: Queste linee hanno fermate in corrispondenza di Villa Di Massenzio: Bus: 118/660 – Metro: A – Possibile raggiungerci anche in macchina e bici.

Sito web della mostra


New screenings: The Wishing Table

New screenings of The Wishing Table:

• December 6-8, 2024: CINECO Festival Internacional de Cine y Ecología, Alicante, Spain.
• November 30 – December 14, 2024: Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti – VII edizione 2024, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Villa di Massenzio, Rome.

• November 30, 2024: Pinus Sessions, Casa de Liège, São Paulo, Brazil.
• November 15, 2024 – January 12, 2025: Lines Fiction 2024, Kunstraum Kreuzberg – Bethanien, Berlin.

• November 11-17, 2024: accordi @ DISACCORDI – International Short Film Festival, Naples, Italy.

Qlimate Qronobot

AI and the Future of Our Planet

The work is an installation with an augmented reality object and video projections.

The Qlimate Qronobot is a robot-like object composed of cubes, with each side printed with scannable black-and-white codes. These codes activate various augmented reality (AR) scenes, featuring an animated, multicolored interplay of analogue chalk drawings, AI-generated shapes and texts, and smaller virtual cubes that engage in a complex ball game.
With this work, I explore how AI could play a role in addressing climate change – hence the name Qlimate Qronobot, where “qrono” introduces a time-related dimension to the robot.
I asked an online AI: “Imagine you are the Qlimate Qronobot and I ask you what you can do to combat the climate crisis and save our planet. What would you answer?” The AI provided several responses, which I incorporated into the AR scenes. These answers are accessible only through the use of technology, emphasizing that AI and other digital advancements are fundamentally dependent on energy resources. This highlights the inherent contradiction: while AI holds potential, its usage is closely tied to energy consumption.

In the installation, the Qlimate Qronobot is illuminated by a video projection of a dystopian 360° landscape, that covers both the object and the wall behind it. A ceiling-mounted webcam captures the rotating Qronobot and its codes, which are then processed by a preconfigured computer to trigger the augmented reality scenes. The computer is connected to a projector, which displays the AR scenes on a separate wall. The grey tones of the 360-degree landscape are transformed into rainbow colours.

Guests can also scan the robot with their smartphones and look inside it – the augmented reality can be seen both on visitors’ mobile phones and on the projection in the adjacent space. This way, people become part of the augmented reality projection.

Maria Korporal introduces her Qlimate Qronobot

Maria Korporal introduces her Qlimate Qronobot (click on the image to open the video)

The installation on exhibition in GG3

The installation on exhibition in GG3 Group Global 3000 (click on the image to open the video)

“Qlimate Qronobot” is part of the project Qorporal Quests: a series of multimedia installations where I interrogate global digital development in times of war and climate change. Solutions are presented through the interplay of analogue and digital technology.

Exhibitions and presentations:
• March 12-31, 2025: Rencontres Internationales Traverse 2025, Toulouse, France.
• October 25-27, 2024: Italia Media Art Festival, as part of Rome Art Week at the Maker Faire, Gazometro of Rome.
• July 19 – August 16, 2024: Qlimate Qronobot. AI and the Future of our Planet. Solo exhibition by Maria Korporal in GG3 / Group Global 3000, Berlin. In this exhibition the artist will also show her videos Passing By, Give us back our shadows, Breathing Bags, Wandel and The Wishing Table.



A quick walk in the exhibition in GG3 Group Global 3000
(click on the image to open the video)

Some impressions of the exhibition at the Italia Media Art Festival:

Video Art Miden at the Open-Air Water Power Museum

Maria Korporal’s videos Breathing Bags and WANDEL are shown in the environmental themed screening program Is anybody in? curated by Gioula & Olga Papadopoulou of Video Art Miden at the Open-Air Water Power Museum in Dimitsana, Greece.


On the ocassion of the World Environment Day (celebrated on June 5), the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation presents, in collaboration with Video Art Miden, the screening program “Is anybody In?” at the Open-Air Water Power Museum in Dimitsana (Arcadia, Greece).

Video Art Miden presents a video-art program with environmental concerns, curated by Gioula & Olga Papadopoulou.
Is there a plan B when it comes to saving planet Earth? Is there a way to preserve our world as we know it? Or is it true that “those who want the world to remain as it is, do not want it to remain”* at all?
[*phrase by Erich Fried (1921-88), Austrian writer]

The screenings will take place from 1 to 21 of June 2024, everyday except Tuesday, (10:00-18:00).

Participant artists | works:

1. Maria Korporal, Breathing Bags, Germany 2021, 3.18
2. Özgür Demirci, The Abandoned, Turkey 2022, 6.46
3. Shahar Marcus, Smoke cloud, Israel 2022, 5.13
4. Susanne Wiegner, Bellevue, Germany 2020, 7.00
5. Fran Orallo, nearby beaches, UK 2022, 3.40
6. Timothy Thomasson, I’m Feeling Lucky, Canada 2023, 6.00
7. David Witzling, A Random Walk Through the Latent Space, USA 2021, 6.21
8. Maria Korporal, WANDEL, Germany 2022, 3.38
9. Kayla Parker + Stuart Moore, Cadence, UK 2022, 3.02
10. Yue Cheng, White Night, France 2022, 5.22

Total duration: 52 min

Open-Air Water Power Museum
Dimitsana, Greece