art and environment

Dreaming of a White Christmas

The famous song “Dreaming of a White Christmas” reveals in this video work some of its particular ominous aspects. Can we reasonably, in a world endangered by climate change, wars and energy crisis, still coherently wish for ourselves the beauty and warmth of snowy and relaxing December celebrations?
The inflatable snowman refers to the banality of Christmas consumerism. But at the same time, the animated drawings affirm the uniqueness of human dreams despite their being ephemeral, like a snowflake over the fire.

• October 2023: Vertical Movie Festival, Isola Tiberina, Rome.
• December 3-17, 2022: KrisenFEST, Werkstadt Berlin.

title: Dreaming of a White Christmas
technique: Experimental video, digital animation and charcoal animation
length: 2’16” (loop)
year: 2022
© Maria Korporal 2022



Cooperative exhibition of Group Global 3000 with WerkStadt Berlin on the theme KrisenFEST:
People are more and more feeling the climate crisis, the war, the rising energy prices. Despite this, it is important to celebrate Christmas. How can we do that, what can we change?

Works by GG3-artists Tom Albrecht, Mariel Gottwick, Stephan Groß, Maria Korporal
as guests in WerkStadt Berlin, Emser Straße 124, 12051 Berlin-Neukölln

Exhibition 3. – 17. December 2022
– Vernissage: Saturday 3.12., 16-17 h: Welcome Jason Benedict. Introduction to the exhibition Jule Böttner, WerkStadt e.V. Performance “Arsch hochkriegen”, Tom Albrecht with Stephan Groß

– Video evening with artists’ talk: Saturday 10.12., 19-22 h: Videos by the exhibiting artists and invited guests: Tom Albrecht, Marina Camargo, Lioba von den Driesch, Matthias Fritsch, Mariel Gottwick, Stephan Groß, Nanna Gro Henningsen, Maria Korporal, Juliane Kowalke, Super Vague (Keeley Haftner and Dr. David Saunders). After the screening artists’ talk with the attending artists.
Click here for the list of videos in the programme
Maria Korporal shows her video Passing By.

Passing By © Maria Korporal

– Finissage with workshop and party, Saturday 17.12., 18-21 h:
Workshop: Save Christmas? How do we deal with celebration and crisis, tradition and reality today? We gather our projects and activities: Tree, Celebration, Electricity, Heating, Ventilation, Giving, Packing, Money. Moderation: Tom Albrecht
Party with jam session by HÖRNWAMA

– Other opening hours: Thursdays 8.12/15.12. and Fridays 9.12./16.12. from 16 to 19 h.

Maria Korporal is present on 3., 8., 10. and 17.12.

• Download invitation flyer in PDF

In this exhibition Maria Korporal shows her new video Dreaming of a White Christmas.



Exhibition in Galerie mp43 – projektraum für das periphere
Stollbergerstr. 73, 12627 Berlin

November 6-27, 2022

Opening: Sunday November 6, 2022, 15-18 h

Artist Talk: Thursday November 17, 16-17 h

Since 2013, the artist initiative Group Global 3000 has been showing exhibitions that deal with pressing issues of ecological sustainability. Under the title “5vor12” (5 for 12), the group is now a guest at the mp43 project space. Using various artistic media, it seeks an expression for the urgency of responding to the fundamental upheavals that have been noticeably damaging life on our planet for a long time, but soon threaten to escalate fully. Five positions reflect the trepidation, but also the opportunities of what feels like five minutes left to act.

In a survey, Tom Albrecht calls on the visitors to insert their behaviour in the face of the crisis into a scheme that is intended to model the desire and reality of action. To this end, the object “Transformation” draws attention to the necessity of the energy turnaround and at the same time serves as a homage to the technical inventiveness of mankind.

Mariel Gottwick’s installation “… and if they burn, I can’t help it.” shows insects in a light object and in photographs. In a juxtaposition of a distanced and a close-up perspective, our complex fellow creatures are rehabilitated from their status as vanishing points of displeasure projections. They deserve respect not only because they help save life on earth, but because they are a fascinating part of it.

The duty of care for all living things also preoccupies Stephan Groß. His experimental film “BIS NICHTS MEHR ÜBRIG IST” shows a systematic collapse in words and sounds until literally nothing is left. Five words and Five Sounds subjected to an alarming successive clear-cutting as a paraphrase of overexploitation, exploitation, extinction and disappearance.

The large-format work “The Full Catastrophe” by Alexa Helbig, executed in mixed media, shows an expressive abstract scene around a dead animal. The titular expression, originally a film quote, entered common parlance and today also serves as a vehicle for the idea of unsparing contemplation and acceptance of even the worst crises as a coping strategy.

Maria Korporal’s interactive, multimedia installation “Emergency Call Center”, which consists of several videos in different formats, deals with extreme climatological events. A central element of the work is a telephone that can be listened to and answered, prompting people to respond to the Earth’s emergency call.

What the works have in common is the question: Can it be that we can only win the race against time if we pause and give more space to reflection?

(Text by Stephan Groß)

• Download invitation flyer in PDF

Opening hours: each Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 15-18 h
Artists’ Talk: November 17, 2022, 16-17 h.
Maria Korporal is present on November 6, 17, 20 and 27.

In this exhibition Maria Korporal shows her video Emergency Call and her interactive, multimedia installation Emergency Call Center.

Klimakipppunkte 2022

KLIMAKIPPPUNKTE: Climate Tipping Points – exhibition in Gallery VBK
28.05. – 19.06.2022
Opening: Friday 27.05.2022, 19 h
Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler
Schöneberger Ufer 57, 10785 Berlin

Participating artists:
Tom Albrecht, Conrad Brockstedt, Barbara Czarnojahn, Lupe Godoy, Rosika Janko-Glage, Maria Korporal, Lina Schobel + Paul Reßl, Andrea Streit + Nancy Happ, Burchard Vossmann, Helga Wagner

In their work, the artists deal with the causes and effects of climate change – the forms of expression are completely individual and range from painting, collage, video and installation to conceptual art. The result is a very complex exhibition on a virulent topic – exciting, stimulating for discussion and entertaining at the same time.

The project is funded by GMS Immobilia KG.

Maria Korporal shows her interactive video installation Emergency Call Center and her video work Emergency Call.

Follow the project KLIMAKIPPPUNKTE on Facebook:


Emergency Call Center

Recent exhibition: November 30 – December 14, 2024: Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti – VII edizione 2024, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Villa di Massenzio, Rome.

Emergency Call Center is an interactive multimedia installation. The starting point for it was the video Emergency Call (2019), in which I present some impressions from the summer of 2017 in Berlin, which was marked by heavy rainfall. The final scene of the video shows an old, rusty telephone with an endless, unanswered ringing.
Extreme climatological events, which take place all over the world, should be a warning sign to large industry and governments. My hope is that humanity will respond to Earth’s emergency call and not let the phone rust in the water.
In 2020 I have begun to expand the work into an installation with multiple videos and sound. It is a work in progress and thus will continue to be expanded and changed. The focus is an interactive telephone that you can listen to and answer. When you speak into the telephone receiver, the video images change. I want to emphasise that you can actually change something if you respond to the earth’s emergency call and become active yourself.

© Maria Korporal, 2019-2022

• November 30 – December 14, 2024: Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti – VII edizione 2024, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Villa di Massenzio, Rome.
• November 6-27, 2022: FIVE FOR 12, Galerie mp43, Berlin.
• May 27 – June 19, 2022: KLIMAKIPPPUNKTE, Galerie VBK Berlin.

Some impressions during the exhibition Nuvola Creativa Festival delle Arti – VII edizione 2024:

Some impressions during the exhibition FIVE FOR 12:


Tree Travelling. Boom the Boom!

Trailer for my interactive video project Tree Travelling: Boom the Boom!

New presentation:
• December 2-16, 2023: Festival Nuvola Creativa, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Villa di Massenzio, Rome.

The original version of my interactive installation consists in a monitor with a video of the world map full of airplanes flying contemporary, generated from a real-time radar view. In front of the monitor there is a small tree trunk. Moving it you fill the surface of the world with growing trees, while the airplanes disappear slowly – the more you move the tree trunk, the more the earth becomes green and the less becomes the air traffic.
Another meaning of the word “boom” is “tree”, in my mother tongue Dutch. Therefore my slogan is: Boom the Boom!

click on the image to open the page of the whole project

When I wrote the concept of this work, we were in the middle of a global tourism boom. The tourism boom brought economic growth, but the damages were severe, especially from an ecological point of view. Almost all cheap international mass travels were flights. It was alarming when you realized how many airplanes were in the air right now and how much CO2 was emitted every moment.
But then, in March 2020, the world was rapidly overwhelmed by coronavirus and most countries went in lockdown. The tourism boom collapsed in no time. The airplanes disappeared and the sky became clearer.
I went back to the real-time radar view of the airplanes and generated a new video. The difference between the two videos is impressive. Do we really need this bloody coronavirus to make the sky clearer and the earth healthier?

This new version (2021) of my installation is a pure online version and thus can be played by everyone in the world. I created two situations: pre-corona and post-corona, and you can choose in which one you want to enter.

The work was presented from 19th to 21st June 2020 as part of the festival 48 Stunden Neukölln in Berlin, and on July 15-25, 2021 at the 5° Festival Ecrã, Brazil.


The title of this video, WANDEL, translated as CHANGE, may have at least two possible meanings. The first concerns climate change, while the second, connected to the first, pertains to the social and cultural changes we need to make to avoid a global environmental crisis caused by climate change.
In 1981, the Austrian poet Erich Fried wrote: “Wer will, dass die Welt bleibt, wie sie ist, will nicht, dass sie bleibt.” (Those who want the world to remain as it is, do not want it to remain). This timeless statement resonates with me as I stand with my bicycle on an infinite planet covered in asphalt. But when I start cycling, the planet comes alive, and a transformation begins. Animated images emerge, suggesting alternative energies and evolving into breathing life forms. The world revitalizes, and the planet begins to bloom again!

title: Wandel
technique: Experimental video, charcoal animation and digital animation
length: 3’38”
year: 2022
music in the first scene: “más preguntas” (excerpt) by Hernán Samá & Marcelo von Schultz (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) – link to source
music in the last scene: “The Spring” by Chad Crouch (CC BY-NC 3.0) – link to source
concept, camera, drawing, animation, effects and montage: Maria Korporal

© Maria Korporal 2022

WANDEL got first-place ranking in the 10° Festiverd Venezuela: Somos Verdes, Festival Internacional de Cine y Vídeo Verde de Venezuela!


Screenings and selections:
• February 28 – March 28, 2025: „Ich bin Venus“, artists’ collective FEMMESPHERES, BEGiNE – Treffpunkt & Kultur für Frauen, Berlin. Mural print adapted from the video.
• December 14, 2024: Sunset Screening & Performance, Bootshaus on Spreeuferweg, Berlin.
• November 15-17, 2024: GJON MILI IVAF, GAD Gallery, Korça, Albania.
• November 2-17, 2024: Art Video, gallery L’esTRAde – Photographie & Vidéo & Art Visuel, Athis de l’Orne, Normandie, France.
• September 6-8, 2024: Experimentelle Filme in den Studios ID as part of the Lange Nacht der Bilder in Berlin-Lichtenberg, curated by GISELA – Freier Kunstraum Lichtenberg, ID-Studios, Berlin.
• August 29 – September 25, 2024: Seoul Metro International subway Film Festival, Seoul, South Korea.
• July 19 – August 16, 2024: Qlimate Qronobot. Prompting for the Future of our Planet. Solo exhibition by Maria Korporal in GG3 / Group Global 3000, Berlin.
• July 3-7, 2024: Marin County Fair, San Rafael, California, USA.
• July 1-31, 2024: Canyon Flats Video Wall, City of Reno, Nevada, USA.
• June 30, 2024: VideoArt “Abgründe des Seins” with video artists Merit Fakler and Maria Korporal, Achim Freyer Kunsthaus, Berlin.
• June 1-21, 2024: Is anybody in?, screening program of Video Art Miden at the Open-Air Water Power Museum in Dimitsana, Greece.
• May 19, 2024: Frome International Climate Film Festival, Frome, UK.
• Semi-Finalist in AniMate – Australia Animation Film Festival, Season 4 – 2024
• April 26-28, 2024: Repair. Miami New Media Festival, WG Kunst, Amsterdam.
• December 2-16, 2023: Festival Nuvola Creativa, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Villa di Massenzio, Rome.
• October 26, 2023: Pinus Sessions, São Paulo, Brazil.
• October 18 – November 10, 2023: Instants Vidéo, Marseille, France.
• October 7-29, 2023: Opening exhibition of Miami New Media Festival, IDART Lab, Miami, USA.
• June 24-25, 2023: Re:Think GAIA Festival, Video Art Miden screening with Re:Think Project at FarmaFifaPermaculture, Iroon Politechniou, Kalamata, Greece.
• April 21 – May 21, 2023: UPDATE 23, Galerie VBK Berlin.
• February 23 – March 12, 2023: T-Short Animated Film Online Festival 2023, Bizarre Competition
• February 23, 2023: Screening of 12 videos by Maria Korporal in the context of Premio Borgo Video, curated by gallery La scala d’oro, Sala Dionigi (Chiesa Valdese), Rome, Italy.
• November 10, 2022 – January 7, 2023: außer ich – inner ich / part 2, INSELGALERIE Berlin.
• November 3-18, 2022: IMAGE PLAY ► International Video Art Festival 2022 (PT), curated by Hernando Urrutia.
• October 7-9, 2022: Videomedeja 26th International New Media Art Festival, KS Svilara, Novi Sad, Serbia.
• October 3-5, 2022: 10° Festiverd Venezuela: Somos Verdes, Festival Internacional de Cine y Vídeo Verde de Venezuela.
• September 10, 2022: Under the Subway Video Art Night, St. Nicholas Park, New York City, USA.
• June 25 – July 9, 2022: FONLAD 2022, International Video Art & Performance Festival, Coimbra (PT) and online.
• June 4 – 25, 2022: Peace Letters to Ukraine 7, curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, Torrance Art Museum, Los Angeles.
• May 15, 2022: M3:G3 ~ Cross encounters. Sphere, New Delhi.
• April 1 – May 20, 2022: Transformation, GG3 / Group Global 3000, Berlin.

Keep in touch to be informed about screenings!

Screening of WANDEL, September 10, 2022: Under the Subway Video Art Night, St. Nicholas Park, New York City, USA, video by curator Antonio Ortuño.

Breathing Bags

Breathing Bags are plastic bags with rubbish found on the streets, which inflate and explode with breathing movements and sounds. One-way plastic bags are so ubiquitous in the street scene that we no longer even notice them. By watching them explode, we become aware of how much plastic is flying around and how microplastic particles pollute our air.
The short film is a hybrid mix of digital and analogue animation, and shows some street scenes in Berlin, while the Breathing Bags explode. A single paper bag comes to life and transforms into a scene full of surprises. A glimmer of hope for our world.

Breathing Bags is part of the Anthropocene Project in the New Museum of Networked Art

Other screenings and selections:
• July 27 – August 23, 2024: The Summer of Anthropocene – The summer of solidarity, curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne / The New Museum of Networked Art.
• July 19 – August 16, 2024: Qlimate Qronobot. AI and the Future of Our Planet. Solo exhibition by Maria Korporal in GG3 / Group Global 3000, Berlin.
• June 1-21, 2024: Is anybody in?, screening program of Video Art Miden at the Open-Air Water Power Museum in Dimitsana, Greece.
• October 23, 2023: Festival Film Bahari 2023 “Shifting Tides – Navigating Climate Change”, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
• August 14, 2023: The Short Nights of Berlin, Kino Central, Berlin.
• June 24-25, 2023: Re:Think GAIA Festival, Video Art Miden screening with Re:Think Project at FarmaFifaPermaculture, Iroon Politechniou, Kalamata, Greece.
• June 9, 2023: Magmart XIII Edition, screening of the 33 videos selected by the jury, CAM | Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy.
• from April 5, 2023: 24vids x Ibrida #19. Maria Korporal, Breathing Bags, on
• April 1-30, 2023: Magmart XIII Edition, final selection, Magmart International Video Art Festival / CAM | Casoria Contemporary Art Museum & online, Italy.
• December 15-21, 2021: Cineaste International Film Festival of India (CIFFI), Noida, Delhi NCR, India.
• November 5-27, 2021: FONLAD Festival internacional de video arte e performance, Coimbra (PT) and online.
• June 18-20, 2021: 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin.

title: Breathing Bags
technique: Experimental video and animated charcoal drawing
length: 3’18”
year: 2021
background sound: Zsolt Sores – ArtuSound 2010 by Sounds of Europe, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
video concept, camera, charcoal animation, effects and montage: Maria Korporal
© Maria Korporal 2021


Stills from the video:



Beuys for Future on radioeins

Interview (in German) with Maria Korporal and Petra Lehnardt-Olm, May 1, 2021 on radioeins, as part of the program “Fettecke – Der Radioday zu 100 Jahren Beuys”:
Link to the interview


The theme is the exhibition Beuys for Future in Group Global 3000 and their personal approach to Beuys.