
Fossil Addiction

Mostra, dialoghi, performance, workshop
10 gennaio – 6 marzo 2020
Group Global 3000, Leuschnerdamm 19, Berlino (Kreuzberg)

Maria Korporal partecipa con il suo nuovo video Good Trip, Bad Trip.

“Good Trip, Bad Trip” – immagine dal video © Maria Korporal

About the exhibition:

The exploitation of fossil fuels has allowed us the dream of flying, the freedom of the open road, a consume-craze, a plastic wonderland, and a comfortable warm apartment. Our use of petroleum, heating oil, natural gas can also be seen as a drug problem.
We use this state-sanctioned fossil drug with all its side effects of CO2 and environmental destruction. Coming clean from this drug causes withdrawal symptoms and all the irrationalities that go along with them. One need only look at the reader’s comments about ideas for a speed limit of 30km/h in the city or 130km/h on the highway. A recognition of the disease is lacking – rational reasoning gives way to addiction-led blindness.

How do artists see our fossil addiction and its therapy? How do we recognize the addiction? Where does it show itself? How could withdrawal therapy for citizens and the state look? We would like to explore answers to these questions.

Participating artists: Tom Albrecht, Jörn Birkholz, Stephan Groß, Marina Camargo, Björn Fischer/Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow/Richard Millig/Maren Schwier, Sabine Janz, Maria Korporal, Merav Leibkuechler, Steph Marx, Christoph Medicus, Jasmin Odendahl, Katja Struif


Vernissage Friday, January 10, 2020, 7 p.m. Performance “Mud Fight” by Sabine Janz.

Artists’ Talk Friday, January 24, 2020, 7 p.m. Artists of the exhibition present their works to the guests.

Second Workshop Friday, February 7, 2020, 7 p.m. How can artists reduce their ecological footprint? The topic is their everyday practice, the choice of their materials, their travel and transport. Moderation by Tom Albrecht (in German).

Workshop Talk Friday, January 31, 2020, 7 p.m. with the addiction specialists
Prof. Dr. med. Tom Bschor, chief physician of the Schlossparkklinik and
Prof. Dr. Hermann E. Ott, ClientEarth – Lawyers of the Earth, former climate researcher at the Wuppertal Institute:
“How do we recognize the addiction to fossil fuels among citizens and the state?
Is there a recognition of the disease?
What could withdrawal therapy look like for citizens and the state?”
The two experts discuss answers and solutions in a public discussion. Moderated by Tom Albrecht

Finissage Friday, March 6, 2020, 7 p.m. Performance: “Paradise now: The last one turns off the light” with Björn Fischer / Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow / Richard Millig / Maren Schwier.
60 min., Stage, chairs are available.


Group Global 3000 g.e.V., GG3 Leuschnerdamm 19 D 10999 Berlin (Kreuzberg)
Public transport: Tube: U8 Moritzplatz, U1 Kottbussertor, Bus: M29 Oranienplatz, 147 Michaelkirchplatz
Google Maps 

Rekall Ubik @Berlin

Rekall Ubik @Berlin is a 2018 continuation of the interactive work Rekall, started in 2016. The work is inspired by a short story by Philip K. Dick, in which people who want to travel, but due to various circumstances cannot go, ask Rekall Inc. for help. Rekall promises its customers to implant artificial memories that are indistinguishable from real ones. Although the customer is informed in advance that the “experienced” is not real, the “memories” evoke the same emotions as real experiences.
The work emphasizes the absurdity of mass tourism, the superficiality of the short long-distance trips and hasty weekend city trips, which sometimes seem to have the only goal of getting a palpable proof “that one has been there” – while the ecosystem is destroyed and the original culture is lost.
The robot “Rekall” is a small wind-up toy robot. While the first “Rekall” ran on a small globe and made the earth spin around under its feet, letting the visitors select a country from a list of all countries in the world, “Rekall Ubik” is a city traveller, continuously running in the streets. The visitors can click any time on a button in the right corner of the screen: “click here to rekall a memory”. Rekall will stop and the visitor will find his or her own face in the middle of the street. Like in the previous version, a virtual postcard will be sent to the system. All stored postcards are printed by the artist and collected in THE REKALL BOOK, which can be seen during the exhibitions of the work, or in the artist’s studio.

“Rekall Ubik @Berlin” is the first city trip of Rekall travelling in the streets of Berlin. The work has been exposed in Prague on occasion of the exhibition POSUN V ČASE in May 2018. During the stay in the Czech capital, Rekall took inspiration for his next city trip “Rekall Golem @Praha”, which will be exposed in Berlin in 2019.

Eight seven-second teasers

Good Trip, Bad Trip

Guidare la tua auto attraverso le strade illuminate di Berlino ascoltando musica rock a tutto volume è un’esperienza emozionante. Ti trascina in una specie di trance. Nel mio video il giro in macchina diventa l’ebbrezza di un tossicodipendente. Le scene della città sono ben riconoscibili all’inizio, ma lentamente diventano immagini astratte: all’inizio colorate, caleidoscopiche ed estatiche (good trip), ma poi diventano lentamente crudeli e minacciose, come una brutta chiazza d’olio sulla superficie dell’oceano, e la musica si deteriora immancabilmente (bad trip).
Automobili, luci di città: la civiltà contemporanea si basa ovunque su una profonda dipendenza da combustibili fossili. I problemi ambientali e climatici globali legati al consumo di carburante sono ben noti e innegabili: il futuro della Terra è in pericolo. Dovremmo disintossicarci dalla nostra dipendenza fossile se non vogliamo scivolare in un eterno bad trip.

Il robot Red Rekall, che appare all’inizio e alla fine del video, è una figura chiave nel mio progetto Rekall, in cui piccoli robot giocattolo con carica a molla guidano le persone in tutto il mondo e creano ricordi artificiali di viaggio. Rekall crea esperienze in cui ti sottoponi, ma allo stesso tempo ci osserva – a quel punto potresti realizzare l’assurdità della nostra esistenza.

• 30 settembre – 4 ottobre 2020: Over the Real – Festival Internazionale di Videoarte, Lucca.
• 10 gennaio –  6 marzo 2020: in loop alla mostra Fossil Addiction, Group Global 3000, Berlino.

titolo: Good Trip, Bad Trip
tecnica: Video sperimentale e animazione
durata: 4’25”
anno: 2019
sound design: di Maria Korporal con una traccia CC0 di Loyalty Freak Music