Daìta Martinez

Bologna in Lettere 10th

Born in 2013, following the previous experience of Letteratura necessaria, from the initiative of Enzo Campi and a group of poets and non-poets of various ages and even more various poetics. It is a festival conceived with the intention of creating a shared space for dialogue “in which classicism and experimentation can be amalgamated through the use of multidisciplinary languages”.

This is the slogan that characterises Bologna in Lettere, because the events cover the time span of a year and culminate in six days in May when poetry, writing, video art, photography, theatre and performance join forces for a common purpose: the dissemination of the word.

June 2021 – October 2022:
We celebrate the festival’s tenth anniversary with a special edition that will run from June 2021 to October 2022.

Maria Korporal is curator of the festival’s video art section, ARTE-FATTI CONTEMPORANEI, and has presented a wide selection of video(-poetic) works by artists from all over the world. For the final stage of the festival in May 2022, art director Enzo Campi invited her to submit a video of her own. The artist chose the video poem (amarizza), made in 2011 in collaboration with the Palermitan poet Daìta Martinez. It is a special project because, in addition to the Italian version (amarezza), Maria Korporal made a second video in which she elaborated the Palermitan version of the poem: (amarizza). It is this one that will be presented at the festival, to honour the theme “Băbél states of alteration”.
The video will be online from 11 until 28 May 2022 on the festival’s YouTube channel.

Link to the complete programme 6/28 May 2022

The video (amarizza) on the festival’s channel

Three stills from the video:


On Friday 22 April at 5 p.m. – the day dedicated to Earth Day, the planet’s largest environmental event, the only time when all the world’s citizens come together to celebrate the Earth and promote its preservation – the contemporary art exhibition Ghê Gaia Terra | Riflessioni sul rapporto tra Uomo e Ambiente, will be inaugurated at the Museo delle Mura in Rome. Curator: Antonietta Campilongo.

Maria Korporal participates with . unending . , a video poem made in collaboration with Daíta Martinez.
The video will be screened on 22 April at 19:40 in the Sala 1 of the museum.

download the press release

download the program

Mirare l’armonia / Gazing at Harmony

Un progetto di Mariangela De Toni per la sua tesi di laurea all’Accademia di Belle Arti a Bologna: tre incontri/interviste e un saggio su Maria Korporal, con una selezione di opere.
A project by Mariangela De Toni for her master degree at the Academy of Arts in Bologna: three meetings/interviews and an essay on Maria Korporal, with a selection of works.
In Italian and in English.

Click HERE for full-screen reading / Cliccare QUI per per leggere il catalogo a schermo intero

{ naked }

New screening:
• December 1-31, 2023: Poetische Seite, winter exhibition, Galerie VBK Berlin.

The video is the fruit of an encounter between a poet and a visual artist. Along the pathway of life, they share their stories, and open up different spaces and times.
The images and sounds are born of a stone – an altar stone that the artist erected for her video Sacrificio, and thereafter took down. Spread over the ground now, the stones are still there, waiting to be reborn in works of art. The stone chosen for { naked } was rediscovered in the dry grass: it takes on new life in the hand of the artist.
The poem was written specially for the video and is published here for the first time. { naked } — because, as the poet says, stone is naked. We have only to open it for it to come out, alive.

the childhood of hands
the waters

and { naked }

a leaf
of seagulls
spreads open.

: a breath of stone, wings :

– Daìta Martinez –

(translation by Brenda Porster)

title: { naked }
Experimental video and animation
2012 (English edition)
Maria Korporal
Daìta Martinez

The video is also available in Italian (the original version), and in French.

Il dialetto Daìta

title: Il dialetto Daìta
technique: 7 digital images for an e-book
size: variable
year: 2011
images © Maria Korporal
poems © Daìta Martinez
e-book © Sebastano A. Patanè

“Il dialetto Daìta” is an e-book edited by Sebastiano A. Patanè, with poems in Sicilian dialect by Daìta Martinez and images by Maria Korporal.

Un giorno – per tre voci dal sud

Sono nata in Olanda, e ora vivo a Berlino. La più grande parte della mia vita però l’ho vissuta in Italia, e qualche volta mi mancano la luce, i colori e il calore, i suoni e le voci…
“Un giorno” è un piccolo video ispirato alle parole di tre poeti che amo. Le loro poesie, accompagnate dalle rondini, i gabbiani e i grilli, ci fanno attraversare un giorno al sud: dal mattino (Elina Miticocchio), al pomeriggio (Daìta Martinez), fino alla sera (Emilio Paolo Taormina).

title: Un giorno – per tre voci dal sud
technique: Experimental video and animation
length: 3’08”
year: 2014
poems: Elina Miticocchio, Daìta Martinez, Emilio Paolo Taormina
concept, camera, sound, animation, effects and montage: Maria Korporal


concept & video: Maria Korporal
music / sound design: Sofia Koubli

dedicated to the poetry of Daìta Martinez


“The forbidden fruit in paradise was not an apple – it was an orange. Peeled and tasted, it opened the universe of senses and it lit the fire of passion. Eva is born and is re-born from the bittersweet juice, again and again.”


The video is dedicated to the poetry of Daìta Martinez, with whom Maria Korporal has made the videopoems (amarezza), { naked } and the recent . non ha fine . “EVA” does not contain words by the Palermitan poet, but her poems have been an essential source of inspiration for the creation of the video.
The music / sound design of the video is by Greek composer Sofia Koubli. Since 1999 she composes music for theater, dance performances video art and short movies. She already collaborated with Maria Korporal in the videos “Avgerinos & Poulia” and “La circolarità della creazione”.

N.B. “EVA” has two versions:
1. a loop version of 4’44”
2. a version with start and end, 5’16” (the one which is visibile here on Vimeo)

The loop version has been projected continuously during the exhibition EroticaMENTE, Domus Talenti, Rome, from 14 to 23 April 2012.

. unending .

. unending .
A video by Maria Korporal with a poem by Daìta Martinez.

Recent and actual screenings:
• December 2-16, 2023: Festival Nuvola Creativa, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Villa di Massenzio, Rome.
• April 22, 2022: Ghê Gaia Terra | Riflessioni sul rapporto tra Uomo e Ambiente, curated by Antonietta Campilongo, Museo delle Mura, Rome, Italy.
• November 20-30, 2021: Nuvola Creativa | Festival delle Arti, Tempio Romanico di S. Francesco, Capranica VT, Italy.

“I am acutely aware of how humanity is destroying nature, accelerating climate change in an un-natural way, with dramatic consequences for the lives of all living creatures in our time and, even more, in times to come. Yet, I do not believe in catastrophes. It is my personal conviction that time is circular, that everything is destined to change and be reborn: eternal rebirth. This is a conviction that goes beyond the individual and concerns collective awareness. I believe that life cannot be destroyed – or perhaps it is better to say: I wish to believe, but wishing is the essence and engine of our doing.” (MK)

The project . unending . treats transformations that take place in the continuous cycle of life. The images and sounds, created by the artist Maria Korporal, are interwoven with the verses of the poet Daìta Martinez: a cycle of seven stages, each of which represents a different animal that is born from a stone, rises up and then sinks down again and, changing back into stone, is reunited with the earth, to be born once again, ad infinitum.
The poem . unending . is unpublished, and has been written expressly for the video:

whisperings of accent
devout suspension

a tail

multitude and shadow
of seed a bell tolls

and eyes

agile echo of incisions
tread of intuitions

. unending .

water drawing near
an expression blowing


hanging inside a
primitive conception


interwoven by flanks
light breathed by silence

of ascent

– Daìta Martinez –
(translation by Brenda Porster)



Original italian version