Qorporal Quests

Digitales Chaos, Moderne Erhabenheit

November 24, 2023 – January 12, 2024: “Digitales Chaos, Moderne Erhabenheit”, a group exhibition in Green Hill Gallery – Kulturschöpfer e.V., Berlin
The event on the gallery’s website: https://www.kulturschoepfer.de/ghgdigitaleschaos

Maria Korporal shows her augmented reality / flipbook installation Qat Qube – Is Schrödinger’s Cat Dead or Alive? in this exhibition.

Participating Artists:

Mathieu Cardosi
Samuel Davies
Maria Korporal
Joana Lucas
Sieglinde Obexer
Eleanor Oliver



Three cultural institutions from two countries have joined forces to continue the artistic dialogue with each other that already began in Berlin in 2022 with IRRITATION – Preview and continued in Schaffhausen in June 2023 with IRRITATION: The Art of Getting Lost.

Opening of the third stage
Exhibition IRRITATION: a maximum aesthetic confusion
Verein Berliner Künstler, Schöneberger Ufer 57, 10785 Berlin

Opening: 06.10.2023, 19:00 hrs
Welcome and short introduction by Sabine Schneider and Simone Kornfeld.

Artists talks and interview dialogues will be produced and published daily during the exhibition period. On Sunday 15.10.23 at 16h there will be a vocal performance by SOOKI. Finissage 29.10.23, 16h with a performance by Alexandra Moskovchuk and catalogue presentation.

IRRITATION – a maximum aesthetic confusion is the 3rd part of the joint multimedia exhibition by artists living in Switzerland and Berlin with the generic term “Irritation”. In the previous exhibition at VEBIKUS Kunsthalle Schaffhausen, subtitled “The Art of getting lost”, the focus was on socio-political and socio-critical themes of current developments, where “Irritation…” was thought of in more concrete terms.

In Berlin, the idea of creative disorder and its resulting possibilities for social transformation processes is taken as a starting point. With the credo: art is a daughter of freedom. Only error is life… (loosely based on Schiller), in the sense of confusion, aberration, irritation as a concept of rediscovery through uncertainty, confusion, confusion, excitement.
The concept envisages a dialogue between 10 Swiss positions and 10 German artists, curated in cooperation with VEBIKUS Kunsthalle Schaffhausen and FATart Schaffhausen.

Idea and overall concept: Simone Kornfeld.

A catalogue will be published to accompany the exhibition.

In this exhibition Maria Korporal shows her AR installation QAT QUBE – Is Schrödinger’s Cat Dead or Alive?.


IRRITATION – a maximum aesthetic confusion

Artists: Sandra BECKER • Judith BRUNNER • Angelika DREHER • Renate EISENEGGER • Simone KORNFELD • Maria KORPORAL • Ina LINDEMANN • Ameneh MOAYEDI • Angela MARZULLO • Marianne METTLER • Alexandra MOSKOVCHUK • Ursina Gabriela ROESCH • Corinna ROSTECK • Leo Bettina ROOST • Sabine SCHNEIDER • SOOKI • Andrea SUNDER-PLASSMANN • Sigi TORINUS • Rosemarie VOGT-RIPPMANN • Ila WINGEN • Ying XU

A cooperation project VBK Berlin – VEBIKUS Kunsthalle Schaffhausen & FATart
Simone Kornfeld: Project initiator and curator VBK Berlin
Angelika Dreher, Ying Xu: Curators VEBIKUS Kunsthalle
Martina Venanzoni: Curator FATart

• Download invitation flyer in PDF

• Download press release in PDF (with images and links of the participating artists)

Art, Technology and Interaction

Interview (in German language) with Maria Korporal by Ylva Seidl, in the context of the seminar Artist Talk. Das Interview als Präsentationsform, Dr. Sandra Neugärtner, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.

“Einem Interview, in dem eine Künstlerin oder ein Künstler selbst zu Wort kommt, wird gegenüber einem analytischen Text oft der Vorzug gegeben. Die Ziele und Strategien, die das KünstlerInnengespräch verfolgt, bleiben dabei meist im Verborgenen. Fundiert es die Kennerschaft? Unterrichtet es die Öffentlichkeit? Sichert es die Zeitzeugenschaft? Das Interview ist als eine der wichtigsten (Selbst-)Präsentationsformen der Gegenwart unumgänglich geworden.” (Dr. Neugärtner)

click here to download the PDF “Kunst, Technologie und Interaktion: Ein Interview mit Maria Korporal” by Ylva Seidal


Three cultural institutions from two countries have joined forces to continue the artistic dialogue with each other that already began in Berlin in 2022 with IRRITATION – Preview and will be continued in Schaffhausen in June 2023.
Project author and initiator is Simone Kornfeld, who works both in Switzerland and Berlin.

Opening of the second stage
Exhibition IRRITATION: The Art of Getting Lost
VEBIKUS Kunsthalle Schaffhausen, Switzerland

In October 2023, the 3rd stage will take place again at the VEREIN BERLINER KÜNSTLER gallery in Berlin.

We live in a time of open developments, uncertainty and uncertain situations:
Identity, politics, human rights, gender, belonging, energy, environment, power….
How do we deal with the associated feelings, longings, memories, losses and opportunities?
What do we lose and what do we gain?
What can we control, how much are we controlled?
What happens when we find, are found or decide to stay lost?

The exhibition at VEBIKUS Kunsthalle Schaffhausen shows how twenty women artists respond to the issues that concern them most. They do so with subtle, sometimes subversive gestures, with open threats, with the questioning of reality and with a will to rebuild and reconstruct that speaks of the hope to forget the existing and dream of the new.

The vernissage will take place on Saturday, 3.6.2023 at 4 pm.

In this exhibition Maria Korporal shows her new installation QAT QUBE – Is Schrödinger’s Cat Dead or Alive?.


IRRITATION: The Art of Getting Lost

Artists: Sandra Becker, Judith Brunner, Angelika Dreher, Renate Eisenegger, Simone Kornfeld, Maria Korporal, Ina Lindemann, Angela Marzullo, Marianne Mettler, Alexandra Moskovchuk, Ursina Gabriela Roesch, Leo Bettina Roost, Corinna Rosteck, Sabine Schneider, SOOKI, Andrea Sunder-Plassmann, Sigi Torinus, Duo Sunder-Plassmann/Torinus, Rosmarie Vogt-Rippmann, Ila Wingen, Ying Xu

A cooperation project VBK Berlin – VEBIKUS Kunsthalle Schaffhausen & FATart
Angelika Dreher, Ying Xu: Curators VEBIKUS Kunsthalle
Martina Venanzoni: Curator FATart
Simone Kornfeld: Project initiator and curator VBK Berlin

• Download invitation flyer in PDF

• Download press release in PDF (German)


TV-Interview with curators Marina Venanzoni and Ying Xu:


Maria Korporal’s installation QAT QUBE in the exhibition:

Qorporal Qodes

The project QORPORAL QODES is a multidisciplinary installation with charcoal drawings, flipbook animations and a 360 VR video.
The key question is: How would we interpret the digital signs if we were locked up in a bunker without electricity and internet?

Exhibitions and presentations:
• November 10, 2022 – January 7, 2023: außer ich – inner ich / part 2, INSELGALERIE Berlin.
• November 22-25, 2022: Puntomov Fest, imaginar el futuro, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Facultad de Artes UAEMex, México.
• July 22-31, 2022: Irritation – Preview (CH/D cooperation project), Galerie VBK Berlin.

1. Qorporal Qodes
Technique and size: 6 original charcoal drawings of 20 x 20 cm with related animation sequences, digital print on paper, in flipbooks measuring each approx. 10 x 14 x 2.5 cm.
Year of creation: 2022.
Origin and description: The work found its first creative input from the impossible desire to exhibit media art in a room with neither power sockets nor a stable internet connection. It occurred to me, that eventual technical fallacies stimulate a feeling of irritation with people who expect this technique to always work perfectly. Understanding this, it motivated me to find a solution to the problem as well as to try to encourage people to reflect on this phenomenon.
In this work the printed QR codes continuously change into different images by means of animated charcoal drawings. The QR codes take on the meaning of certain Q codes or Q keys. This method was developed in 1912 and used for radio communication services (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_code).
The charcoal drawings are mounted in frames and the animated films have taken the form of flipbooks and can be watched without the use of electricity. However, they have been placed on the internet as well and can easily be accessed by scanning the original QR codes available on the back of the flipbooks. This to close the circle.

2. Qorporal Qube
Technique: 360° VR video, animated film
Length: approx. 5 minutes in loop
Year: 2022
Description: The 6 animated films created from “Qorporal Qodes” are projected onto all walls (including floor and ceiling) in an equilateral cube-shaped room in a 360° VR video. Watching the video with a VR headset, you’ll find yourself trapped in a room without doors or windows and surrounded by constantly changing QR codes.
How would we interpret the digital signs if we were locked up in a bunker without electricity and internet?

© Maria Korporal, 2022



Irritation – Preview

Exhibition in Galerie Verein Berliner Künstler
Schöneberger Ufer 57, 10785 Berlin

July 22-31, 2022

Opening: Friday 22.7.2022, 7 pm

Multimedia exhibition by VBK Berlin and FATart Switzerland
Curated by Simone Kornfeld, Ursina Roesch
Participating artists: Silke Bartsch, Sandra Becker, Catherine Bourdon, Judith Brunner, Monika Funke Stern, Simone Kornfeld, Maria Korporal, Ina Lindemann, Angela Marzullo, Damon Mark, Marianne Mettler, Alexandra Moskovchuk, Siegrid Müller-Holtz, Volker Nikel, Ute Richter, Ursina Roesch, Corinna Rosteck, Sabine Schneider, SOOKI, Marianne Stoll, Andrea Sunder-Plassmann, Helga Wagner, Catrin Wechler, Ila Wingen, Ayca Nina Zuch

“IRRITATION – Preview” is the preview show for the double exhibition planned for 2023 in Germany and Switzerland: IRRITATION – The Art of Getting Lost
It will later take place with different focal points in each case with extended subtitles “IRRITATION- e.g. femme Artists in Dialogues” in Berlin at the VBK and with a different focus at the VEBIKUS Kunsthalle Schaffhausen.

• Download press release in PDF, with presentation of the exhibited works (in German)
• Download flyer in PDF

Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 3 pm-7 pm – Saturday-Sunday 2 pm-6 pm.
During the opening hours there are daily workshops, artist talks, podcasts and interviews about the works.

In this exhibition Maria Korporal shows her new project QORPORAL QODES, a multidisciplinary installation with charcoal drawings, flipbook animations and a 360 VR video.
The key question is: How would we interpret the digital signs if we were locked up in a bunker without electricity and internet?