A project by Mariangela De Toni for her master degree at the Academy of Arts in Bologna: three meetings/interviews and an essay on Maria Korporal, with a selection of works.
In Italian and in English.
Shiri Malckin
Underwater Desert
Neue Screening:
• 22. März – 10. April 2023: Dedicato all’acqua, Ausstellung in Il Mitreo Iside, Rom
The Pacific Ocean has already received around 800 tons of radioactive material from the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant, under the silence of the media.
If the soul is a flame, how many candles should light up the oceans where nuclear waste is killing all living creatures?
„There is a silence where hath been no sound,
There is a silence where no sound may be,
In the cold grave – under the deep deep sea.“
These words by Thomas Hood are read by Shiri Malckin, over and over again, in her musical piece „Underwater Desert“ which forms the soundtrack of the video.
Siehe auch das Buch LUX. Abitare la luce, das das Foto “Underwater Desert” enthält.
title: Underwater Desert
technique: Experimental video and animation
length: 2’35“
year: 2015
music: “Underwater Desert” by Shiri Malckin
video concept, camera, animation, effects and cutting: Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
- Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
Anne Frank
„I blossomed as a woman at Prinsengracht 263 on 4 August 1944, when the Dutch Nazi police captured me shamelessly alive among the unmade beds.
My understanding of the farewell was exemplary: indulgent in the exact centre. Once past the nocturnal curve, the motivations of a new existence restored me to the world. History called. Could I fail to respond? I incorporated the infinitesimal part that was my lot and then sank with it amid monumental silences that never made the news and through which language was unlearned.“
All footage has been taken in Berlin (the city, the artist’s studio and the ex-concentration camp Sachsenhausen), except for the broken glass, which is in a hospital in the Netherlands, where the artist’s mother spent the last days of her life.
The video is part of the Shoah Film Collection – The d/i/light Memorial.
title: Anne Frank
technique: Experimental video and animation
length: 6’20“
year: 2014
music: “Anne Frank” by Shiri Malckin
sound design: Shiri Malckin
text: excerpt from “Annelies Marie Frank” by Nina Maroccolo, published by Edizioni Empirìa, Rome, Italy
voice: Nina Maroccolo
video concept, camera, animation, effects and montage: Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
- Anne Frank © Maria Korporal
B.A. Film Festival 2017 – nuova sezione di videoarte
Il B.A. Film Festival è una manifestazione cinematografica nata nel 2003 con lo scopo di valorizzare le produzioni italiane di qualità – con particolare attenzione alle diverse professionalità che operano nel campo dell’audiovisivo – e di diffondere la cultura cinematografica attraverso proiezioni e laboratori per gli studenti (Made in Italy – Scuole), e l’incontro ravvicinato tra grandi personalità del cinema e il pubblico.
Maria Korporal partecipa con il suo video Anne Frank, fatto in collaborazione con Nina Maroccolo (testo e voce) e Shiri Malckin (musica e sound design).
– Videoarte: presentazione di opere di autori internazionali (nuova sezione)
– Effetto Cinema: documentari e video sul “fare cinema”
– Giornate del cinema d’animazione: proiezioni e ospiti
MIBArt Multimedia Festival
Proiezioni della selezione di opere di videoarte a cura di Piero Deggiovanni
Amaducci Alessandro, Concert for Shadows 11-14
APOTROPIA / Antonella Mignone + Cristiano Panepuccia, The Kiss
Bellantoni Elena, The Struggle of Power, the fox and the wolf
Bonaventura Sara, DemonIO
Casali Lorenzo + Roubini Micol, Outerdark
Casdia Rita, Stangliro
Cillo Enzo, Out of the Night
Basmati / Audray Coïaniz + Saul Saguatti, Transitcity n.3 Aemilia
Con.Tatto / Francesca Leoni + Davide Mastrangelo, Androgynous
De Gennaro Silvia, Travel Notebook: Praga
Di Sopra Elisabetta, Dust Grains
Hadley Christina G., Louisianna
Imhoff Igor, Neon
Insana Salvatore, Access to Eden
Korporal Maria, Anne Frank
Lolli Francesca, Om Mani Padme Hum
Lunardi Marcantonio, The Choir
Manca Eleonora, Provvisorio/Interim
Matarazzo Antonello, Happy ENDINGS
Mortelliti Rocco, Oggetto volante non identificato
movimentomilc, Méduses
Passarella Fabrizio, Eurostalgia
Pezone Ilaria, 1510 Sogno su carta con video
Scacchioli Fabio + Vincenzo Core, Scherzo
Terlizzi Cosimo, La benedizione degli animali
Torre Danilo, Don’t Loose Your Head
Venturelli Devis, Pneumotion
Vrizzi Debora, Family Portrait
Venerdì 17 Marzo ore 16:00
MIBArt Multimedia Festival
Masterclass Piero Deggiovanni (Accademia Belle Arti Bologna) Teoria critica dell’ibridazione audiovisiva
da Lunedì 20 a Sabato 25 Marzo ore 12
MIBArt Multimedia Festival
Proiezioni della selezione di opere di videoarte a cura di Piero Deggiovanni
link programma completo festival:
Anne Frank in Milan
„Anne Frank“, a video by Maria Korporal with music by Shiri Malckin and text/voice by Nina Maroccolo, has been selected for the group show „IL GIORNO DELLA MEMORIA“, January 27 to February 10, 2017.
Opening: Friday January 27, 2017, at 18.00
Associazione Circuiti Dinamici
Via Giovanola 19-20 – Milano, Italy
Artists: Cristian Aloi Aluà, Serenella Angeloni Cortesi, Anna Argentino e Giovanni Annese, Amalia Francesca Annese, Alberto Balletti, Nicola Bertoglio, Mirta Caccaro, Silvia Calvi, Silvana Cammi, Magda Chiarelli, Maria Korporal, Francesco Lasalandra, Claudio Lepri, Vanna Mazzei, Vetulia Mele, Luca Migliore, Donatella Sarchini, Massimo Scarficcia, Ivan Sghirinzetti, Claudio Stefanoni, Marco Trentin, Elisa Zadi, Sara Zaghetto, Paola Zorzi.
Curator: Antonia Guglielmo.
Underwater Desert in HearteartH on VisualContainerTV
„Underwater Desert“, a video by Maria Korporal with music by Shiri Malckin, will be on VisualContainerTV from January 13 to February 15, 2017, as part of the HearteartH program, see > www.visualcontainer.tv
> the video Underwater Desert on this website
About the show:
HearteartH 2016
International Videoart Project curated by Sonia Laura Armaniaco and Maria Felix Korporal
From 13th January to 15th February 2017
only on VisualcontainerTV International Videoart WebTV
> www.visualcontainer.tv
VisualcontainerTV welcome the second edition of HearteartH 2016 with a special compilation about 69 videos made by international artists about the symbolism of the two words HEART and EARTH. This videoart project is curated by Maria Korporal and Sonia Armaniaco.
HearteartH is a collective project for artists and media makers ideated by video artists Sonia Armaniaco and Maria Korporal.
The concept took life from these two interlocking words: HEART and EARTH. The strong symbolism of the two words, which are inevitably associated with life, has a strong pull. One is drawn into it. In the almost fateful dependence of these terms of one another, they seem inextricably linked together, even permanently, forever.
The assembly of Heart and Earth in the title, in one word, follows these substantive consequence. The nearly identical letters gives the impression of an anagram, and so the title gets something of a magic spell from which we can not escape. Due to the large H at the beginning and end of the word, the title sounds as a breath. Heartearth is so an unlimited ongoing project, as well as the topic has no end, “life goes on”, “the earth continues to rotate”. In this doubling of the word is a power that can give life.
As Life is always looking for additions and adjustments, Art as well has the force to open new viewpoints and new feelings about this peculiar theme; Art which is so close and yet so far away, and which can be so beautiful and at the same time frightening. Or Art could provide an opportunity to think about it.
See also the website > www.heartearth.rf.gd
Selected Video:
Alessandra Arnò: Earth, 3:14
Alessandro Amaducci: Bloodstream, 7:15
Alessandro Amaducci: A Tell-Tale Heart, 3:31
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani: “Ega” (Money), 1:36.
Aliénor Vallet: Horizon Vert Azur (Green Azure Horizon), 5:00.
Andrew Payne: Moon and cloud movements 3 , 1:00.
Angiola Bonanni: Love Woes, 12:05.
Annique Delphine: Plethora, 3:21.
Barbara Brugola: Lapse of View, 3:19.
Barbara Wolters: Intervention, 2:58.
Brian Kane: Being Human: Al Design, 2:42.
Bunker Media: Earth, 2:10
claRa apaRicio yoldi: Zoom in, 3:19.
Damira Piližota: Hurry, 1:03.
Daniel Ivan: Haiku, 5:05.
Eija Temisevä: Searching for Sense, 4:58.
Eija Temisevä: Vitality of a tree, 3:15.
Eleonora Manca: METAMOR(pH), 4:11.
Eleonora Manca: I Sing The Body Electric_Psyché, 1:26.
Erick Tapia: TERRITORIUM, 3:25.
Florent Texier: Les Vapeurs (The Steams), 2:11.
Fran Orallo: Vulcano, 4:08.
Fran Orallo: Beats, 4:30.
Gaetano Maria Mastrocinque: Argille, 5:48.
Gisela Weimann: Welt in Flammen – World in Flames – Monde en Flammes, 11:37.
Gwendolyn Audrey Foster: Virtual Gallery – The Gaia Triptych, 1:14.
Heli Ström: Refuge, 3:00.
Irina Gabiani: Neither a beginning nor an end, 1:40.
Irina Gabiani: I don’t think you can, 3:43.
Isabelle Hayeur: Pulse, 3:00.
JfR (Jean-Francois Réveillard): BREATH, 2:00.
Johanna Speidel: The Mirror, 5:26.
Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara: K.E.R.O.S.E.N.E poems from the planet, 7:08.
Kim Dotty Hachmann & Ginny Sykes: Healing Grounds, 3:38.
Larry Wang: All is Serene, 1:18.
Larry Wang: BARCODE, 2:17.
Laura Focarazzo: Hunting, 6:15.
Lino Strangis: Metaphysical Orogeny, 7:44.
Lotte Geeven: The sound of the earth, 1:14.
Maria Koehne: Standing Still, 5:44.
Maria (Felix) Korporal: Underwater Desert, 2:35.
Mariangela Ferraris aka MaryMee: .flow, 00:59.
Mariangela Ferraris aka MaryMee: 01.Hello World!, 01:49.
Mariel Gottwick: Meine Weltshow, 8:00.
Miriam Dessì: Fertilia, 4:59.
Mr. Armtone: Mistabishi – Druggers End (Mr. Armtone Video-Edit), 3:24.
Murat Sayginer: Volans, 2:33.
Myriam Thyes: Global Vulva, 6:20.
Paolo Bandinu: No Country, 2:21.
Pèninsolar: Under The Hanoi Monorail, 4:47.
s-ara (Sandra Araújo): Rio-me porque és da aldeia e vieste de burro ao baile, 2:53.
Sandra Becker 01: pachamama4.0, 3:11.
Reelvision: acqua vitae, 2:37.
Sarah Wölker: eNe mEne mIlchzahN, 5:22.
Shivkumar K V: one good cause…, 2:47.
Sonia Laura Armaniaco aka §vonica: GAIA, 3:49.
Sonia Laura Armaniaco aka §vonica: no more UPGRADE , 7:57.
Stephan Groß: Die Liebe in den Zeiten der EU (Love in the time of the EU), 5:57.
Susanne Kunjappu-Jellinek: Heart of RootsEarth of Fruits, 2:47.
Sylviatoyindustries (Sylvia Toy St. Louis): VOICE: A Fly-by on Lyssa’s Maiden Voyage
(festival cutting 2), 0:42.
Takehito Etani: Transparent Footprints of Invisible Giants / San Francisco Chapter ,
TinyarVisuals (Tina Sulc): Illusion of Hydrosphere, 2:52.
Tiziano Bellomi: Winter 2015/2016, 0:51.
Tom Albrecht: Eivergrabung, 3:56.
Vladislav Solovjov: Home, 1:13.
Wheeler Winston Dixon: Human Scale, 4:21.
ydl (Yannick Dangin Leconte): Propagande, 4:44.
About VisualcontainerTV
International Videoart Web Channel since 2009
VisualContainerTv is the screen to the contemporary videoart world in real time and available to all enthusiast and professional audience, online 24/7 with a special monthly exhibitions.
AVI Festival

Underwater Desert © Maria Korporal
„Underwater Desert“, a video by Maria Korporal with music by Shiri Malckin, is in the 15-17.12 program of AVI Festival – ART VIDEO INTERNATIONAL – 2016.
The festival takes place on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays throughout the first 4 weeks of December during hamshushalayim events in Jerusalem.
A new program to the festival in every week.
The AVI Festival is being held at the Israeli cinema museum located in the Cinema city complex.
Address: 10 Rabin Blvd.
Thursdays 1.12 + 8.12 + 15.12 + 22.12
AT 17:00-22:00
AND on Thursdays 17:00-17:45 screening on cinema nr.19
Fridays 2.12 + 9.12 + 16.12 + 23.12
AT 10:00-14:00
Saturdays 3.12 + 10.12 + 17.12 + 24.12
AT 20:00-23:00
Artist Talk : 22.12 At 17:00-17:45 in cinema nr.19
Free admission