TRANSGRESSION art + technology

Maria Korporal’s video The Mind’s Egg was selected for the PEE – Experimental Exhibition Programme of the TRANSGRESSION art + technology Project PR 2, (2024), curated by Hernando Urrutia.

The premiere will take place on 21 May 2024, at 6pm, in the Auditorium of the Casa da Luz Museum, EEM, in the city of Funchal, Portugal.

PEE – Experimental Exhibition Programme / PRA – Artist Residency Programme
– Andre Perim (Brasil – Brazil | Portugal) ID – 07’20’’
– Isabel Pérez del Pulgar (Espanha – Spain| França – France) SUEÑO DE UN ANDROIDE – 08’27’’
– Iury Lech (Espanha – Spain) LABYRINTHOS DE MADEIRA 07’44’’ PRA
– Jean-Michel Rolland (França – France) VACHES:VESTIGES – 06’50’’
– Malitzin Cortes – CNDSD (México – Mexico) SYNTHROPIA FLORESTA – 11’04’’ PRA
– Maria Korporal (Alemanha – Germany) THE MIND’S EGG – 2’30’’
– Mohammad Ali Famori (Irão – Iran) RAVE – 06’45’’
– Pierre Ajavon (França – France) HUMARITHMs – 03’22’’
– Rafael Timoner (Espanha – Spain) COSMIC WAVES RECEIVER – 11’44’’
– Sandrine Deumier (França – France) FROM THE PLACE WHERE THE LIGHT GOES OUT – 05’45’’

A programme of 6 sessions will be held in October 2024, in partnership with the Casa da Luz Museum and EEM – Madeira Electricity Company.


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