Video Art Miden at the Open-Air Water Power Museum

De video’s Breathing Bags en WANDEL van Maria Korporal worden vertoond in het videoprogramma met als thema milieu Is anybody in? samengesteld door Gioula & Olga Papadopoulou van Video Art Miden in het Open-Air Water Power Museum in Dimitsana, Griekenland.


On the ocassion of the World Environment Day (celebrated on June 5), the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation presents, in collaboration with Video Art Miden, the screening program “Is anybody In?” at the Open-Air Water Power Museum in Dimitsana (Arcadia, Greece).

Video Art Miden presents a video-art program with environmental concerns, curated by Gioula & Olga Papadopoulou.
Is there a plan B when it comes to saving planet Earth? Is there a way to preserve our world as we know it? Or is it true that “those who want the world to remain as it is, do not want it to remain”* at all?
[*phrase by Erich Fried (1921-88), Austrian writer]

The screenings will take place from 1 to 21 of June 2024, everyday except Tuesday, (10:00-18:00).

Participant artists | works:

1. Maria Korporal, Breathing Bags, Germany 2021, 3.18
2. Özgür Demirci, The Abandoned, Turkey 2022, 6.46
3. Shahar Marcus, Smoke cloud, Israel 2022, 5.13
4. Susanne Wiegner, Bellevue, Germany 2020, 7.00
5. Fran Orallo, nearby beaches, UK 2022, 3.40
6. Timothy Thomasson, I’m Feeling Lucky, Canada 2023, 6.00
7. David Witzling, A Random Walk Through the Latent Space, USA 2021, 6.21
8. Maria Korporal, WANDEL, Germany 2022, 3.38
9. Kayla Parker + Stuart Moore, Cadence, UK 2022, 3.02
10. Yue Cheng, White Night, France 2022, 5.22

Total duration: 52 min

Open-Air Water Power Museum
Dimitsana, Greece

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