VideoArtFestival II in den Mühlenhaupthöfen 2018

Il Kurt Mühlenhaupt Museum vi invita cordialmente al

(Berlin Kreuzberg)

Luogo: Mühlenhaupt Höfe, Fidicinstraße 40, 10965 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Venerdì 28 settembre 2018 dalle 20 alle 23.

The Mühlenhaupt Höfe is a dreamy, still hardly discovered courtyard area as there were many in Berlin Kreuzberg one time ago, but today have become a rarity. In the Kreuzberg of our time there is hardly any room for art and artists. In Fidicinstrasse, however, things are different: number 40 is still an idyllic ensemble of smaller workshops, a biotope for craftsmen and artists.
These courtyards will be the venue for a small film festival again, on 28 September 2018. Fire walls, windows, angled walls and an old industrial chimney will be projection screens for video mapping, lighting and video projections.

Artisti partecipanti:
Valentina Alexander, Jasmine Avril, Stephanie Bahlecke, Ton Belowskey, Mandra Stella Cerrone, Jeanette Gosslau, Haye Heerten, Nidal Jalouk, Maria Korporal, Zoltan Labas, Regina Liedtke, Tymon Nogalski, Ina Rommel, Marcel Schwittlick, Cécile Vexler, Maike Zimmermann.

Maria Korporal presenterà una nuova versione del suo lavoro Breathearth, con nuovi fiori e proiettato in grande: vedi Breathearth Building per il teaser!



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