Wer hat Angst vor’m Hermannplatz?

“You’re afraid of Hermannplatz” has become famous as a slogan on a t-shirt of the fashion label “Muschi Kreuzberg”. Since then, the slogan is used several times.
Who’s afraid of Hermannplatz? Viewed objectively, it is just an ugly, loud square in the north of Berlin Neukölln, Kreuzberg and junction for all kinds of roads.
Generally the place is known as a meeting point for unemployed and migrant workers, drug sellers and graffiti sprayers, who create a so-called “dangerous” environment. Therefore, one has to be afraid.
But I think the real danger of the Hermann Square is the roaring traffic that rushes by on all sides of the square. The traffic junctions on both ends of the square are the black spots in the district of Neukölln. The air that you breathe is permeated everywhere by exhaust gases. That is the reason why you have to really be afraid!
In the video the Hermannplatz is shown from the perspective of a cyclist. The mirror effect reinforces the idea that one is trapped – which direction you go, you will always meet up again with the ubiquitous traffic.

title: Wer hat Angst vor’m Hermannplatz?
technique: Experimental video and animation
length: 5’10”
year: 2015
video concept, camera, animation, effects, sound and montage: Maria Korporal
© Maria Korporal 2015

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